
Uzak uzak ýyllar - 16

Total number of words is 351
Total number of unique words is 281
51.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
62.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
68.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
Ýaşuly çaýyny agdardy.
– Aý, inim, ýeke jaý däl, tüweleme hemme zat gowy. Nesip edip, ýaşap bilseň
heýç erbet zady ýok, durmuşyň. Galhoz dagy şeýle bir baý. Isleseň her synaňa-da bir jaý
gurup berjekler.
Men çaý guýundym. Ýöne düýnden bäri ýüzüme suw degirmänim ýadyma düşdi.
– Men bir agzymy çaýkaýyn.
Ýaşuly ýeňillik bilen sekiden düşdi.
– El ýuwulýanda ýyljak suw bardyr. Görkezeýin.
Men ýuwnup oturyşyma sowal berdim.
– Köne adamlardan kim bar, başga...
Ýaşuly pössük plotensany iki eli bilen tutup durşuna mydyrdady.
– Bä, köne adam, köne adam... – Ol birden has dikgerdi. – Uruş döwründäkilermi?
Aý, kän-le, köne adam.
Ol töwerege göz aýlady.
– Hol, Anna aga barda, şo ýyllar başlyk bolmadymy?! O pahyr-a birki ýyllykda
ýogaldy. Ogly Gurbangulam uşgolyň direktory. Onsoň, başga kim bar aýt. Başga
Men Sapar brigadir bilen Tagy gelini soradym.
– Bäý, inim, gaty ýatkeş ekeniň. Geçen oduh, Sapar ogluny öýerdi. Şonda
Men geň galdym.
– Ol durmuşa çykdymy?
– Aý, ýok. Olam, ýaňky Tagylyňam dekdomdan çaga alypdylar. Özlerem
– Sen kime öýlendiň?
Ýaşuly gaty geň galdy.
– Weh, şonam bileňokmy, oglan! Hol, uruş döwründe tokgaja gyz bar-a, Ogultäç
– Ogultäç?!
– Howwalaý. Aý, guma öz garyndaşlaryna çykarypdyrlar. Onsoň durmuşy
bolmandyr. Onsoň menem sallah, o-da ýeke. Şeýdip, öýlendik oturyberdik.
Men elimi, aýagymy ýitiren ýaly boldum. Sekä tarap ugradym.
– Bujagaz gyz, ulujamyz. Başky ikije oglumyz durmady.
Şol wagt Durdujyk ylgaşlap geldi.
– Däde, aýtdym. Ejem häzir barýan diýdi.
Oglanjyk sekiniň gyrasynda oturyp maňa bir hoş habar aýtjak ýaly ýygryldy.
– Hol ýerde, däli bar-laý. Zordan geçdim. Özem ertir bilen aýdym aýdýar. Sülgün
Ýaşuly gazap bilen dyzyna galdy.
– Haý, haramzadanyň çagasy. Däli diýme diýip şunça aýtmadymmy saňa...
Ýüzi alnan oglanjyk turup gitdi.
– Hol, Sülgün-läý, Myratlyň gelni. Aklyndan azaşaýdy. Birküç ýyl garyndaşlary
äkitdi. Ýene gelipdir. Kolhoz köşk ýaly jaý salyp berdi. Hol, ýokary başdan. Ýene-de şu
harabada otyr, görgüli.
Meni nähilidir bir güýç ýerimden göterdi Köwşümiň bagyny daňman köçä
çykdym. Soň ýagyş-ýagmyra sürüp, haraba dönen jaýa golaýladym. «Sülgün gelneje!»
diýip, ulilim bilen gygyrjak boldum. Emma saklandym. Jaýdan ýürek paralaýjy owaz,
şo-ol tanyş owaz gelýärdi. Men ony eşidip doňup galdym.
Uzak-uzag-a ýyllar-d-a
Taýyň galdy Nursoltan.
Uzak-uzag-eý illerde-eý
Daýyň galdy, Aýsoltan.
Uza-ga-uzag-a iller-de-eý
Ýarym galdy jan balam.
Uza-ga-uzag-a ýyllar-da
Arym galdy, jan balam.
You have read 1 text from Turkmen literature.
  • Parts
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 01
    Total number of words is 3724
    Total number of unique words is 2180
    32.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    54.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 02
    Total number of words is 3905
    Total number of unique words is 1939
    33.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    54.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 03
    Total number of words is 3946
    Total number of unique words is 2079
    31.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 04
    Total number of words is 3885
    Total number of unique words is 2111
    32.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 05
    Total number of words is 3945
    Total number of unique words is 2082
    33.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    48.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    55.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 06
    Total number of words is 3911
    Total number of unique words is 2085
    31.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 07
    Total number of words is 3865
    Total number of unique words is 2136
    32.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    46.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    54.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 08
    Total number of words is 3880
    Total number of unique words is 2134
    33.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    46.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 09
    Total number of words is 3899
    Total number of unique words is 2171
    31.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    46.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 10
    Total number of words is 3926
    Total number of unique words is 2143
    32.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 11
    Total number of words is 3838
    Total number of unique words is 2198
    33.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 12
    Total number of words is 3827
    Total number of unique words is 2139
    32.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 13
    Total number of words is 3889
    Total number of unique words is 2060
    33.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 14
    Total number of words is 3907
    Total number of unique words is 2086
    32.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    46.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 15
    Total number of words is 3894
    Total number of unique words is 2176
    31.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Uzak uzak ýyllar - 16
    Total number of words is 351
    Total number of unique words is 281
    51.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    62.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    68.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.