
Pyragynyň arzuwlan Berkarar döwletinde bedew waspy - 2

Total number of words is 4368
Total number of unique words is 1417
7.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
10.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
11.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
bilelikdäki ylalaşykly hereketleri we tagallalary
netijesinde mümkin boldy. Bu ugurdan bilelikdäki
tagallalar birnäçe derejede amala aşyrylmalydyr.
Mysal üçin, atlary saklamagyň we idetmegiň
şertlerini gowulandyrmak, olary köpeltmek,
ýaryşlara taý­ýarlamak we goşmak, ylmy barlag
hem-de professional marketing çäreleri geçirmek
we beýlekiler.
Bu meseleleriň hemmesi Halkara ahalteke
assosiasiasynyň ýolbaşçy toparyndan ol ugurdan
halkara derejesinde tejribeleri alyşmagy, maliýe
taýdan hemaýaty, ýolbaşçylyk etmekde güýçli
guramaçylyk endigini talap edýär. Halkara ahal­
teke assosiasiasy bu işleriň hötdesinden geler
diýip ynamly aýdyp bolýar.
Ahalteke atlary diňe bir Türkmenistanda, Russiýa Federasiýasynda däl, olar dünýäniň beýleki
ýurtlaryna hem ýaýrandyr.
Halkara ahalteke atçylyk assosiasiýasy ahalteke atlarynyň ýaýraw genofondynyň saklanyp
galmagyny üpjün etmek hem-de bu tohumdan
bolan bedewleriň sport arenasyndaky mümkinçiliklerini ýokarlandyrmak üçin bu meselede
ugrukdyryjy ýörelgeleri işläp taýýarlap bilýär. Ol
bolsa ahalteke atlarynyň ýaýraw genofonduny
saklamakda, ol bedewleri ýetişdirmekde we
peýdaly ugurlarda ulanmakda häzirki zamanda
reproduksiw tehnologiýany peýdalanmak babatda degişli maksatnamany taýýarlamakda hemaýat edýär.
Türkmenistan özünde bar bolan arassa tohum ahalteke bedewleriniň sany hem-de ol bedewleri münmäge ezber, Halkara ýaryşlaryna
gatnaşma­ga höwesli çapyksuwarlary ýetiş­dirýän
ýurt hökmünde öz ahalteke atlaryny Atçylyk
sportunyň Halkara Federasiýasynyň ýaryşlaryna
gatnaşmaklaryny üpjün edip bil­ýär. Çünki ahal-
teke bedewleri hem halkara at ça­pyşyklarynda, atçylyk bilen bagly bäsleşiklere gatnaşyp, hakyky sport
ýaryşlarynda ýokary netijeleri gazanyp biler.
Halkara ahalteke atçylyk assosiasiýasy ahalteke
atçylyk boýunça ýeke-täk Halkara assosiasiýa bolup,
oňa Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti hormatly Gurbanguly
Berdimuhamedow tarapyndan hemmetaraplaýyn
hemaýat edilýär. Şonuň ýaly-da “Türkmen atlary”
döwlet birleşigi, Halkara assosiasiasynyň agzalary,
ahalteke bedewlerini ýetişdirýänler, ol atlary hususy
hojalygynda saklaýanlar hem-de çapyksuwarlar tarapyndan maliýeleşdirilýän we infrastruktura babatda
goldanylýan assosiasiýadyr. Assosiasianyň agzalary, bütin dünýäniň ýüzündäki ahalteke bedewlerini ýetişdirýänler we saklaýanlar müňlerçe
ýyllaryň dowamynda şeýle ajaýyp we şöhratly
ahalteke atlaryny ýetişdirip gelýän türkmen
halkyna öz minnetdarlygyny bildirýärler.
ahalteke bedewleriniň abraýyny, diňe bir ol behişdi
bedewleriň taryhyny ata Watanynda däl, eýsem
dünýä boýunça dikeltmäge edýän tagallalary,
goý, mundan beýläk hem rowaçlansyn.
The President
of Turkmenistan
Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov
khalteke horses take a particular place
among the values contributed by the Turkmen people to the world culture.
Turkmen people say, “Horse is a wish (aim)”.
Being our pride, at all times and in all periods,
Akhalteke horses were welcome for a Turkmen
man, they were his wings for a flight.
If we go deep into the glorious history of the
Turkmen people, then we can imagine the important role of the Akhalteke horses in the powerful
development and growth of the authority of our
courageous people.
Turkmen people respect Akhalteke horses greatly. The following saying can prove it, “In the morning
first see your farther and then your horse.”
The people’s art of training horses for races
was handed down from century to century and
from generation to generation and it has been
brought to perfection.
The Akhalteke horses bred in the sacred Turkmen
land impregnated with the spirit of our fathers and
grandfathers, with the talent, diligence, hard labour
and a persistent and serial selection and pedigree
work, have been improved for centuries and have
achieved a high level of a work of art.
A deep love of the Turkmen people for the
paradise horses found its broad reflection in the
folklore and literature.
The success achieved in the county in the development of horse breeding, is a result of the
creative and honest teamwork of the skillful masters-specialists, persistent trainers and hardwor­
king horse-breeders.
In future, a great state care will be taken of the
horses, our national pride inspiring our hearts.
The depictions of the horse figures can be
seen in different finds preserved since the ancient time till present, including those depicted
on the dishes, coins, ruins of the buildings and
rare manuscripts dated to the early periods.
The data on the horses flying faster than the
wind can be found in the notes of the Egyptian
pharaohs and in the chronicles and works of such
ancient scholars and writers as Herodotus, Strabo, Aristotle, Gomer, Ovidus, Vergilius, Xenophōn
and other famous scientists.
Breeding the fast horses rivaling the wind, our
ancestors paid a great attention to the improvement of their breed. Treating them with a great
respect they considered the beautiful horses
with a good temper to be their close friends and
faithful comrades.
At present, the paradise horses are treated
with a special respect in our Turkmen native land.
The Future of turkmen
Fanned expance from Khazar ripple
To a smooth of Jeyhun by winds of Turkmen.
Bliss of my eyes-rose fields, –
Flow, generated by the mountains of Turkmen.
The jigit will look in angel at mountain –
Mountain quails and ruby lights.
Not water but honey in a flood rages.
The stream – in union with fields of Turkmen.
And shade and coolness in the Turkmen

And ners and maya are grazing in the steppes;
Reyhan blooms in ocher sands;
Meadows abundant in flowers Turkmen.
The Turkmen will not be taken unwares by war;
The former need was forgotten by the country;
Here roses do not fade – from them any,
Doesn’t complain apart from the singers

of Turkmen.
In green, scarlet peri will pass –
In the face ambar ointment will pass.
The amicable people are leaded by the wisest,
Proud land of the people of Turkmen.
Here a brotherhood – custom and

friendship – the law
For the glorious birth and powerful tribes.
And if the people took up arms to fight
Enemies tremble before the sons of Turkmen.
The soul of Gorogly in his brothers is alive;
Look friends, at a Turkmen lion;
He doesn scarch for mercy,
When he rises before enemies of Turkmen.
Wherever the road may lead Turkmens,
Mountain ranges of the earth will part.
Descendants will remember Magtymguly;
He will truly be the mouth of Turkmen.
People live in unified tribes,
The cloth is laid for a holiday,
A high share is given for fatherland,
And granite melts before the armies of Turkmen.
I’m appealing to you, Allah,
Let me leave my trace in the world!
My lot is sleeping deep, –
Tell it to stretch its wings!
The world is false, it is delusional;
We long for happiness – but we’re not happy;
Let me live a comfortable life
At least for eighty years!
I’m indigent, and there is no end to my misfortunes;
Sent the good news to me;
Let me have my daily bread,
Give me fire to melt the hearts!
My love for people is burning me, Pyragy,
I’m suffering with them;
Oh, let my kinsmen
Establish their strong state!
The glory of racehorses
in fiction
n the epoch of the power and happiness under the leadership of our Esteemed President
the Turkmen people, made a valuable contribution to the world development has great opportunities to study the national culture and art.
The image of each people is defined by its cont­
ribution to world values. The Turkmen people are
one of those people, who created throughout
centuries values for the good of mankind. And
one of these values are celestial Akhalteke horses.
Having created a perfect form horse breeding,
the people transferred training art from generation to generation. Considered as one of seven
treasures our horses differ from English and Arabian thoroughbred horses in the speed, fidelity to
the owner, endurance and beauty.
In the epoch of power and happiness great
pre­ference is given to the Akhalteke horses which
are our national value: respect is increasing and
more attention is paid to them. From the first
days of preluding to the position of a Leader of
the State, of Esteemed President of Turkmenistan
Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov promotes the development of horse-breeding in our country by
his multiplies the fame of Akhalteke horses in the
whole world. National Leader continuing the way
of his predecessors horse-breeders, often attends
equestrian sport compleces, communicates with
winged horses. Despite the ample state works
and his business, he created literary work about
heavenly horses. The book «Akhalteke horses – our
pride and glory» was written for Turkmen people
and became a remarkable gift to the amateurs
of the Akhalteke horses and to the people inte­
rested in horse-breeding.
Fundamental work of esteemed Gurbanguly
Berdimuhamedov «Akhalteke horses – our pride
and glory» comprises valuable information on the
history of horse-breeding. With its significance it
takes major place and on the basis of numerous
facts it became confirmation that the territory
of Turkmenistan is an ancient land of pedigree
Turkmen nation following idea «The nation
honoring horse will obtain prosperity» loved his
horse more than his life. Our ancestors consi­
de­red that the duty of every Turkmen man is to
grow majestic and courageous horses. That is
why, Turkmen riders knew keen secrets of riding
and conveyed their skills to their descendants.
From the ancient times the beautiful Akhalteke
horses were the national pride and dignity and in
our days they are the valuable cultural heritage of
the Turkmen people. Image of the incomparable,
splendid and fast Turkmen is given in the Folklore of our people, in the epos «Gorogly» and in
the works of Magtymguly, Seyitnazar Seydi, Mollanepes and other poets of the Turkmen classical
When it is spoken about fidelity, patriotism –
racers are mentioned without fail. In the book
«Gorkut ata» in the sentences concerning horsebreeding Gorkut ata says so: «Faint-hearted co­
ward jigit cannot sit on a racer, it will be better, he
does not mount it». The artistic image of a racer
like a red thread passes through the epos «Go­
rogly». Gyrat till the last sigh of Gorogly is a true
companion and the etemal helpmate. It shows to
the person an ideal of fidelity.
It is noticed, that in the lyrics of our great poet
Magtymguly who forever proved the lyric crea­
tion on history pages with gold letters, the big
place is given to a racer when it is spoken about
fidelity, courage and patriotism.
Since time immemorial the honour and glory
of the Turkmen racehorses have spread all over
the world. It was as far back as the 13th century
when going to the Far East via central Asia, the
Italian traveller Marco Polo wrote in his book
“About the Wonders of the World”, “I shall tell
you that there are very good Turkmen horses
and beautiful expensive carpets.” Certainly, there
are many records and poems about the beauty, speed and faithfulness of our racehorses in
such folk eposes as “Gorkut ata” and “Gorogly”.
Many complimentary words have been also said
about Turkmen racehorses in the works of such
our outstanding poets as Magtymguly Pyragy,
Seyidi, Magrupi and Mataji because in Turkmen
society it was considered that a courageous jigit
achieves his aim thanks to his horse which is his
close and faithful friend in the battles. Gallo­ping
faster than wind and becoming the winners at
different races, horses always were the decorations of the celebrations and wedding parties, that is why the following sayings appeared
among the people, “A horse is a wished aim of
the jigit” and “In the morning first see your father,
then see your horse”. A national hero of the Turkmen peop­le Gorogly says the following words to
his horse Gyrat, “On the days of battles you are
my comrade, on the days of sorrow you are my
friend.” Ans­wering the question of his contemporary poet Durdy, “Who can feel like people?”
A classic of the Turkmen li­terature Magtymguly
said, “Racehor­ses feel like people.” Our prominent
poet, the People’s Writer of Turkmenistan Gurbannazar Ezizov wrote, “Don’t ride spurring your
horse, it is like a human” thus developing further
the idea of Magtymguly.
If we collected all the poems of the Turkmen
poetry dedicated to the Turkmen horses, then
we would have several books. It is a specific
example of our respect for our racehorses being
our national wealth and pride. Greatly respec­
ting Turkmen horses our President Gurbanguly
Berdimuhamedov stresses the following, “Not
only the human sensitivity of our beautiful racehorses, having the character better than that of
a young girl, but also their courage, endurance,
faithfulness and dignity stir up the feeling of
pride and joy, exciting the hearts and leaving
an indelible trace.” Almost all our poets and wri­
ters wrote the poems about our racehorse and
races. It is worthy to mention the poems “At the
Races” by the People’s Writer Kerim Kurbannepesov, “ May the Neigh of a Horse be Heard” by the
poet Ahmet Gurbannepesov, “In the Memory
of Melekush Presented to England” by the poet
Orazmurat Kurdov, “A Rider” and “A Foal “ by the
Peop­le’s Writer Italmaz Nuriyev. Here it is necessary to mention especially the poems written in
the spirit of time and dedicated to the national
leader by the People’s Writer of Turkmenistan,
Magtymgyly International prize laureate Gozel
Shakuliyeva “ We Remember You, a White Horse,
You Are in Gyrat, on Your Wings.” Indeed, our
heavenly racehorse has wings and possesses a
miraculous force. Probably, it was because of this
the ancient Chinese called them “heavenly hor­
ses”. Gorogly bey also said, “A horse is a brother
of the jigit.” The People’s Writer of Turkmenistan
Atamurat Atabayev has also written sincere
poems about them:
The words “A horse is the wings of the jigit”
Were not born groundlessly.
A horse of a Turkmen seems to have wings,
Probably, there are not such horses in the
The words “A horse is a brother of the jigit”
Did not occur groundlessly.
Probably there are not the horses in the world,
Called their brothers by the people.
The theme of racehorses takes a specific
place in the creative activity of our prominent
poet, Magtymgyly International prize laureate
Mamed Seyidov. Each of the poems by the poet
“A Tiger”, “A Swallow”, and “ A Dove” tells about
the events connected with the history of horse
breeding and well-known racehorses famous
for their beauty and speed not only in Turkme­
nistan but far beyond its borders. The poet Nobatkuly Rejepov also has skillfully written poems
about racehorses and one of them is the poem
“Dal Horse.” Speaking about the horse Nur of our
forefather Oghuzkhan, the author traces the way
passed by the Turkmen horses for many centuries. He especially notes a high respect paid to
the racehorses in the epoch of might and happiness. Today there have been written many poems
about the horse Yanardag decorating the state
emblem of the country. We also remember the
poems about the favourite horse of our President
Akhan, Hanburgut and other horses. Our writers
also glorify Turkmen horses in their prose works
and tell about their nice and noble character. It
is difficult to imagine the main hero of the no­
vel “A Decisive Step” by Berdy Kerbabayev Artyk
without a horse. When the only consolation of
Artyk – his horse was taken to the works, tears
ran down from his eyes and from the eyes of his
horse. The time has proved the faithfulness of the
horse and its feeling of parting.
Though a prominent writer Ata Kovshutov
wrote his story “Dordepel” over 60 years ago, it is
still topical. Being published dozens times in the
Turkmen and Russian languages, it has been tes­
ted by time. The novels “The Ardour of Gyrat”, “The
Horse of Berdy – Debator” and “Chabdary” by the
writer Agageldy Allanazarov are also connected
with the horse theme and characterize the artistic image of the horses. We compare the beauty
and nobility of our horses with the beauty of our
young girls and women. In the past, our young
girls and women skillfully saddled and rode their
horses. An incident described in the Sayatly-Hem-
ra dastan can serve as an example. When Saytk­
han and his beloved Hemra were riding back to
their country, they were attacked by the robbers,
Hemra together with Sayatkhan fought against
them. Brave horsewomen of the ancient time
were also Turkmen. When we read the novel “Altynjan Hatyn” by Osman Odayev we can see that
Altynjan hatyn did not yield to her husband, a
great Turkmen military leader Togrul bey in races
and battles. We can give many examples of glori­
fying Turkmen racehorses in the works of the poets Italmaz Akmuradov, Gurbanyaz Dashgynov,
Bibi Orazdurdiyeva, Akmurad Rejipov, Dovletgeldi Annamuradov, Ahmet Mammedov, and Kakamurad Rejepov. The main thing is that our racehorses well-known all over the world and being
one of the objects of our national pride enjoy
great love of the people and charm their hearts.
The poems, stories, and the works of literary journalism find a broad response in the hearts of the
readers. One more thing should be noted. Ha­
ving become an exemplary work, a literary-andjournalistic book of our President Gurbanguly
Berdimuhamedov “The Akhalteke horses – our
pride and glory” is of a great importance for
spreading the honour and glory of the Turkmen
racehorses all over the world. Our National Lea­
der shows his great concern in the propaganda of
the honour and dignity of such national va­lues as
racehorses and artistic carpets all over the world.
Responding to this concern, our masters of wri­
ting – poets and writers glorify the national pride
of the Turkmen people through their works. When
we speak about racehorses, our hearts become full
of poetic lines and we remember how the horse of
Gorogly Gyrat flew over the Araz gorge.
When people have not gone to the space yet,
A Turkmen flew high in the sky, riding his horse.
He will catch up with you if you run away,
But he will never let you catch up with him,
A Turkmen flew high in the sky, riding his horse.
International Equestrian
Sport Complex
t present Turkmenistan has turned into the
country where mass sport movement is
deve­loping. In this respect, the equestrian sports
is its integral part. That is why the equestrian sport
complexes built in the country at the level of the
international standards under the guidance of
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov have
become one of the popular places in the velayats.
Now, the citizens of the velayats can watch the
horse race at home and the hippodromes have
become the place of the festive celebrations. One
of the largest among them is an equestrian sport
complex built in one of the beautiful corners at
the foothills of the ancient Kopetdag Mountains.
Now, there held the races and horse beauty contests of the international level.
Being constructed in the territory of the Gokdepe Etrap of the Akhal Velayat, this remarkable
International Equestrian Sport Complex attaches
a specific beauty to the foothills of the ancient
Kopetdag Mountains. This complex seen from far
away, creates the harmony with the beauty of the
nature, pleases the heart, increases the feeling of
pride of the Akhalteke horses and demonstrates a
great respect for them.
It is necessary to note that all favourable conditions for holding horse competitions as well as
for the spectators and horse-breeders are crea­
ted in this complex supplied with the advanced
technologies. As soon as we enter the complex,
we really feel as if we are among the paradise
horses. The fountains create a specific harmony
with the movement of the horses galloping in
different directions. This International Equestrian
Sport Complex is designed for 7,000 visitors (2
thousand indoor seats and 5 thousand outdoor
seats) and for 400 horses. What else can be said
about this remarkable complex?! It is also necessary to add that there is also a circus designed for
500 visitors, the indoor and outdoor rings for 800
visitors, a restaurant designed for 500 custo­mers,
white jurtas for holding festive celebrations held
in Ashgabat and in the entire velayat, the amphitheatre for 500 seats, play grounds for children,
sport grounds and car parks. All conditions are
created and wide opportunities are provided for
the horse-breeders and their horses. A building
for training horses for competitions, grounds
for awarding the prizes, a quarantine building
for horses, a swimming-pool for training horses,
workshops, and a granary for keeping mixed fo­
rage are at their disposal. All this promotes a successful holding of the competitions at the international level. Today, the International Equestrian
Sport Complex has turned into one of the most
popular and most attended places. Our sensitive
racers with sharp ears, slim body and the applelike eyes demonstrate their speed in its racecourses. The clatter of their hooves resembling
the clatter of carpet cards, echoes in the hearts
like an original sweet melody.
international cooperation
in horse breeding
he pages of the ancient history have the following notes, “A wide oasis with a favou­rable
climate, stretching from Serdar city is a native land
of the Akhalteke horses.” Or the following, “In the
ancient time, numerous travellers and historians
spread all over the world the news that in area of
Nissa the pedigree horses were considered to be
the most beautiful and the most expensive.” “The
father of history” Herodotus wrote that in the army
of Aleksander the Great with army commander
Xerxes there were ten beautiful, decorated horses
which always went before the scared bullock cart
of Ahuramazad. Those beautiful horses were bred
by the local people dwelling in the Nissa valley…
that is why each man living in all the corners of the
world dreamed to have an ancient Nisssian horse.”
Our examples can be proved by the follo­wing
words of Appianys, “The horses of Nissa differ
from other horses in their unusual beauty. These
horses with soft tread, an easily bending neck,
the proud heads raised high, and the mane
waved by the wind are worthy of powerful kings.”
Turkmen horses! These words can express the
great world’s love for them. We can say for sure
that before, they have never enjoyed such an
authority, glory dignity, and a great popularity
which they have deserved in the epoch of might
and happiness. Our Hero Arkadag has become a
guardian angel in the fate of the paradise horses,
in the true sense, their best friend understanding
his interlocutor, a faithful and true guardian.
Speaking in July 2011 at the first meeting of
the International Akhalteke Horse Breeding Association, the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly
Berdimuhamedov said, that with the establish-
ment of the International Akhalteke Horse Bree­
ding Association in 2010 with its headquarters in
Ashgabat, a new era began in the history of the
Akhalteke horse breeding development, “I am as
the President of Turkmenistan and the Chairman
of the International Akhalteke Horse Breeding Association firmly believe that with your assistance
we shall continue the work on the further deve­
lopment of horse breeding, scientific study of the
horses, preservation of their pedigree purity and
on a wide spread of the Akhalteke horses, the celestial horses, all over the world at a rapid pace.”
The President also said that the main tasks of the
Association are to unite the efforts of the amateurs and experts in the Akhalteke horse bree­
ding, the improvement of the work being carried
out, the organisation of meetings on the prob­
lems of horse breeding and different scientific
meetings, horse competitions and international
exhibitions dedicated to the Akhalteke horses.
For the period passed since that time, much work
has been done. The establishment of the Turkmen Horse Day Holiday, the construction of the
equestrian sport complexes in all velayats and
the International Equestrian Sport Complex within the short period of time and their putting into
operation can serve as the examples. Now, one
of the main tasks is the development, strengthe­
ning and perfection of the success achieved in
horse breeding and equestrian sports. People all
over the world treat and show a great interest in
the specific peculiarities of horse training that is
why the number of the states willing to establish close relations and to develop co-operation
with Turkmen horse-breeders is increasing. To-
day, it has become a good tradition to establish
co-operation, to exchange the opinions and to
hold meetings. Visiting such countries as France,
Germany, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and
other Turkmen horse-breeders exchanged their
experience, consulted and expressed their points
of view on different issues of horse breeding and
equestrian sports. Visiting Turkey last years, Turkmen jockeys improved their knowledge of their
specialty. Twice visiting the Lonşam world famous
hippodrome, Turkmen riders rode their horses,
showed and told about the peculiarities and
methods of the Turkmen horsemanship school
and shared its secrets. It is appropriate to remind
that the number of those willing to co-operate and
to estab­lish ties with the International Akhalteke
Horse Breeding Association established on the
initiative of our President is increasing. It is an evidence of the increased authority and glory of the
International Association in the world. It can be
proved by some examples. On November 14, 2012,
the agreement between the Turkmen Atlary State
Association and Turkish Agency for Co-Operation
and Relations at the Prime-Minister of the Tur­
kish Republic “The Regulations on the Realisation
of the Project on the Preservation of the Genetic
Fund of the Akhalteke Horses” was made. It consists of seven articles and states the obligations
of the two parties in this direction. At present, we
can speak about the results of the work done in
this respect. As it is known, in September 2013,
our President paid an official visit to Japan. The
celebrations on the occasion of signing bilateral
agreements were organised within the framework of the forum held in Japan. The agreement
on mutual understanding was signed between
the TurkmenAtlary Association (Turkmenistan)
and Japan Reýsing Association (Japan). This event
brightly testifies to the level of a great love of the
both parties for the Akhalteke horses. In accordance with the Agreement, in future, participating in the strengthening of the friendly relations
between the two states, the parties undertake to
develop the achieved level of the co-operation in
horse breeding and horse races. Along with this,
in this direction it is planned to exchange the experience accumulated in the co-operation and
introduction of the advanced technologies in
horse breeding. The sense of the Agreement is to
develop the achieved level in horse breeding and
horse races, to exchange the experience, and to
achieve mutual understanding and agreement. It
is also planned to expand the mutual co-operation, to perform a doping control of the horses
participating in the races, a veterinary service,
organisation of horse races, to keep state horse
herd-book and other issues of co-operation. In
the early December 2013 the President paid an
official visit to the United Arab Emirates. It was
You have read 1 text from Turkmen literature.
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  • Parts
  • Pyragynyň arzuwlan Berkarar döwletinde bedew waspy - 1
    Total number of words is 3292
    Total number of unique words is 1907
    25.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    37.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    44.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Pyragynyň arzuwlan Berkarar döwletinde bedew waspy - 2
    Total number of words is 4368
    Total number of unique words is 1417
    7.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    10.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    11.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Pyragynyň arzuwlan Berkarar döwletinde bedew waspy - 3
    Total number of words is 3696
    Total number of unique words is 1942
    2.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    4.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    5.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Pyragynyň arzuwlan Berkarar döwletinde bedew waspy - 4
    Total number of words is 590
    Total number of unique words is 397
    7.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    11.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    13.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.