Middlemarch - 90

Total number of words is 3406
Total number of unique words is 915
65.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
80.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
85.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.

“I don’t want,” he said, “to bear hard on Bulstrode, who has lent me money of which I was in need—though I would rather have gone without it now. He is hunted down and miserable, and has only a poor thread of life in him. But I should like to tell you everything. It will be a comfort to me to speak where belief has gone beforehand, and where I shall not seem to be offering assertions of my own honesty. You will feel what is fair to another, as you feel what is fair to me.”

“Do trust me,” said Dorothea; “I will not repeat anything without your leave. But at the very least, I could say that you have made all the circumstances clear to me, and that I know you are not in any way guilty. Mr. Farebrother would believe me, and my uncle, and Sir James Chettam. Nay, there are persons in Middlemarch to whom I could go; although they don’t know much of me, they would believe me. They would know that I could have no other motive than truth and justice. I would take any pains to clear you. I have very little to do. There is nothing better that I can do in the world.”

Dorothea’s voice, as she made this childlike picture of what she would do, might have been almost taken as a proof that she could do it effectively. The searching tenderness of her woman’s tones seemed made for a defence against ready accusers. Lydgate did not stay to think that she was Quixotic: he gave himself up, for the first time in his life, to the exquisite sense of leaning entirely on a generous sympathy, without any check of proud reserve. And he told her everything, from the time when, under the pressure of his difficulties, he unwillingly made his first application to Bulstrode; gradually, in the relief of speaking, getting into a more thorough utterance of what had gone on in his mind—entering fully into the fact that his treatment of the patient was opposed to the dominant practice, into his doubts at the last, his ideal of medical duty, and his uneasy consciousness that the acceptance of the money had made some difference in his private inclination and professional behavior, though not in his fulfilment of any publicly recognized obligation.

“It has come to my knowledge since,” he added, “that Hawley sent some one to examine the housekeeper at Stone Court, and she said that she gave the patient all the opium in the phial I left, as well as a good deal of brandy. But that would not have been opposed to ordinary prescriptions, even of first-rate men. The suspicions against me had no hold there: they are grounded on the knowledge that I took money, that Bulstrode had strong motives for wishing the man to die, and that he gave me the money as a bribe to concur in some malpractices or other against the patient—that in any case I accepted a bribe to hold my tongue. They are just the suspicions that cling the most obstinately, because they lie in people’s inclination and can never be disproved. How my orders came to be disobeyed is a question to which I don’t know the answer. It is still possible that Bulstrode was innocent of any criminal intention—even possible that he had nothing to do with the disobedience, and merely abstained from mentioning it. But all that has nothing to do with the public belief. It is one of those cases on which a man is condemned on the ground of his character—it is believed that he has committed a crime in some undefined way, because he had the motive for doing it; and Bulstrode’s character has enveloped me, because I took his money. I am simply blighted—like a damaged ear of corn—the business is done and can’t be undone.”

“Oh, it is hard!” said Dorothea. “I understand the difficulty there is in your vindicating yourself. And that all this should have come to you who had meant to lead a higher life than the common, and to find out better ways—I cannot bear to rest in this as unchangeable. I know you meant that. I remember what you said to me when you first spoke to me about the hospital. There is no sorrow I have thought more about than that—to love what is great, and try to reach it, and yet to fail.”

“Yes,” said Lydgate, feeling that here he had found room for the full meaning of his grief. “I had some ambition. I meant everything to be different with me. I thought I had more strength and mastery. But the most terrible obstacles are such as nobody can see except oneself.”

“Suppose,” said Dorothea, meditatively,—“suppose we kept on the Hospital according to the present plan, and you stayed here though only with the friendship and support of a few, the evil feeling towards you would gradually die out; there would come opportunities in which people would be forced to acknowledge that they had been unjust to you, because they would see that your purposes were pure. You may still win a great fame like the Louis and Laennec I have heard you speak of, and we shall all be proud of you,” she ended, with a smile.

“That might do if I had my old trust in myself,” said Lydgate, mournfully. “Nothing galls me more than the notion of turning round and running away before this slander, leaving it unchecked behind me. Still, I can’t ask any one to put a great deal of money into a plan which depends on me.”

“It would be quite worth my while,” said Dorothea, simply. “Only think. I am very uncomfortable with my money, because they tell me I have too little for any great scheme of the sort I like best, and yet I have too much. I don’t know what to do. I have seven hundred a-year of my own fortune, and nineteen hundred a-year that Mr. Casaubon left me, and between three and four thousand of ready money in the bank. I wished to raise money and pay it off gradually out of my income which I don’t want, to buy land with and found a village which should be a school of industry; but Sir James and my uncle have convinced me that the risk would be too great. So you see that what I should most rejoice at would be to have something good to do with my money: I should like it to make other people’s lives better to them. It makes me very uneasy—coming all to me who don’t want it.”

A smile broke through the gloom of Lydgate’s face. The childlike grave-eyed earnestness with which Dorothea said all this was irresistible—blent into an adorable whole with her ready understanding of high experience. (Of lower experience such as plays a great part in the world, poor Mrs. Casaubon had a very blurred shortsighted knowledge, little helped by her imagination.) But she took the smile as encouragement of her plan.

“I think you see now that you spoke too scrupulously,” she said, in a tone of persuasion. “The hospital would be one good; and making your life quite whole and well again would be another.”

Lydgate’s smile had died away. “You have the goodness as well as the money to do all that; if it could be done,” he said. “But—”

He hesitated a little while, looking vaguely towards the window; and she sat in silent expectation. At last he turned towards her and said impetuously—

“Why should I not tell you?—you know what sort of bond marriage is. You will understand everything.”

Dorothea felt her heart beginning to beat faster. Had he that sorrow too? But she feared to say any word, and he went on immediately.

“It is impossible for me now to do anything—to take any step without considering my wife’s happiness. The thing that I might like to do if I were alone, is become impossible to me. I can’t see her miserable. She married me without knowing what she was going into, and it might have been better for her if she had not married me.”

“I know, I know—you could not give her pain, if you were not obliged to do it,” said Dorothea, with keen memory of her own life.

“And she has set her mind against staying. She wishes to go. The troubles she has had here have wearied her,” said Lydgate, breaking off again, lest he should say too much.

“But when she saw the good that might come of staying—” said Dorothea, remonstrantly, looking at Lydgate as if he had forgotten the reasons which had just been considered. He did not speak immediately.

“She would not see it,” he said at last, curtly, feeling at first that this statement must do without explanation. “And, indeed, I have lost all spirit about carrying on my life here.” He paused a moment and then, following the impulse to let Dorothea see deeper into the difficulty of his life, he said, “The fact is, this trouble has come upon her confusedly. We have not been able to speak to each other about it. I am not sure what is in her mind about it: she may fear that I have really done something base. It is my fault; I ought to be more open. But I have been suffering cruelly.”

“May I go and see her?” said Dorothea, eagerly. “Would she accept my sympathy? I would tell her that you have not been blamable before any one’s judgment but your own. I would tell her that you shall be cleared in every fair mind. I would cheer her heart. Will you ask her if I may go to see her? I did see her once.”

“I am sure you may,” said Lydgate, seizing the proposition with some hope. “She would feel honored—cheered, I think, by the proof that you at least have some respect for me. I will not speak to her about your coming—that she may not connect it with my wishes at all. I know very well that I ought not to have left anything to be told her by others, but—”

He broke off, and there was a moment’s silence. Dorothea refrained from saying what was in her mind—how well she knew that there might be invisible barriers to speech between husband and wife. This was a point on which even sympathy might make a wound. She returned to the more outward aspect of Lydgate’s position, saying cheerfully—

“And if Mrs. Lydgate knew that there were friends who would believe in you and support you, she might then be glad that you should stay in your place and recover your hopes—and do what you meant to do. Perhaps then you would see that it was right to agree with what I proposed about your continuing at the Hospital. Surely you would, if you still have faith in it as a means of making your knowledge useful?”

Lydgate did not answer, and she saw that he was debating with himself.

“You need not decide immediately,” she said, gently. “A few days hence it will be early enough for me to send my answer to Mr. Bulstrode.”

Lydgate still waited, but at last turned to speak in his most decisive tones.

“No; I prefer that there should be no interval left for wavering. I am no longer sure enough of myself—I mean of what it would be possible for me to do under the changed circumstances of my life. It would be dishonorable to let others engage themselves to anything serious in dependence on me. I might be obliged to go away after all; I see little chance of anything else. The whole thing is too problematic; I cannot consent to be the cause of your goodness being wasted. No—let the new Hospital be joined with the old Infirmary, and everything go on as it might have done if I had never come. I have kept a valuable register since I have been there; I shall send it to a man who will make use of it,” he ended bitterly. “I can think of nothing for a long while but getting an income.”

“It hurts me very much to hear you speak so hopelessly,” said Dorothea. “It would be a happiness to your friends, who believe in your future, in your power to do great things, if you would let them save you from that. Think how much money I have; it would be like taking a burthen from me if you took some of it every year till you got free from this fettering want of income. Why should not people do these things? It is so difficult to make shares at all even. This is one way.”

“God bless you, Mrs. Casaubon!” said Lydgate, rising as if with the same impulse that made his words energetic, and resting his arm on the back of the great leather chair he had been sitting in. “It is good that you should have such feelings. But I am not the man who ought to allow himself to benefit by them. I have not given guarantees enough. I must not at least sink into the degradation of being pensioned for work that I never achieved. It is very clear to me that I must not count on anything else than getting away from Middlemarch as soon as I can manage it. I should not be able for a long while, at the very best, to get an income here, and—and it is easier to make necessary changes in a new place. I must do as other men do, and think what will please the world and bring in money; look for a little opening in the London crowd, and push myself; set up in a watering-place, or go to some southern town where there are plenty of idle English, and get myself puffed,—that is the sort of shell I must creep into and try to keep my soul alive in.”

“Now that is not brave,” said Dorothea,—“to give up the fight.”

“No, it is not brave,” said Lydgate, “but if a man is afraid of creeping paralysis?” Then, in another tone, “Yet you have made a great difference in my courage by believing in me. Everything seems more bearable since I have talked to you; and if you can clear me in a few other minds, especially in Farebrother’s, I shall be deeply grateful. The point I wish you not to mention is the fact of disobedience to my orders. That would soon get distorted. After all, there is no evidence for me but people’s opinion of me beforehand. You can only repeat my own report of myself.”

“Mr. Farebrother will believe—others will believe,” said Dorothea. “I can say of you what will make it stupidity to suppose that you would be bribed to do a wickedness.”

“I don’t know,” said Lydgate, with something like a groan in his voice. “I have not taken a bribe yet. But there is a pale shade of bribery which is sometimes called prosperity. You will do me another great kindness, then, and come to see my wife?”

“Yes, I will. I remember how pretty she is,” said Dorothea, into whose mind every impression about Rosamond had cut deep. “I hope she will like me.”

As Lydgate rode away, he thought, “This young creature has a heart large enough for the Virgin Mary. She evidently thinks nothing of her own future, and would pledge away half her income at once, as if she wanted nothing for herself but a chair to sit in from which she can look down with those clear eyes at the poor mortals who pray to her. She seems to have what I never saw in any woman before—a fountain of friendship towards men—a man can make a friend of her. Casaubon must have raised some heroic hallucination in her. I wonder if she could have any other sort of passion for a man? Ladislaw?—there was certainly an unusual feeling between them. And Casaubon must have had a notion of it. Well—her love might help a man more than her money.”

Dorothea on her side had immediately formed a plan of relieving Lydgate from his obligation to Bulstrode, which she felt sure was a part, though small, of the galling pressure he had to bear. She sat down at once under the inspiration of their interview, and wrote a brief note, in which she pleaded that she had more claim than Mr. Bulstrode had to the satisfaction of providing the money which had been serviceable to Lydgate—that it would be unkind in Lydgate not to grant her the position of being his helper in this small matter, the favor being entirely to her who had so little that was plainly marked out for her to do with her superfluous money. He might call her a creditor or by any other name if it did but imply that he granted her request. She enclosed a check for a thousand pounds, and determined to take the letter with her the next day when she went to see Rosamond.


“And thus thy fall hath left a kind of blot,
To mark the full-fraught man and best indued
With some suspicion.”
Henry V.

The next day Lydgate had to go to Brassing, and told Rosamond that he should be away until the evening. Of late she had never gone beyond her own house and garden, except to church, and once to see her papa, to whom she said, “If Tertius goes away, you will help us to move, will you not, papa? I suppose we shall have very little money. I am sure I hope some one will help us.” And Mr. Vincy had said, “Yes, child, I don’t mind a hundred or two. I can see the end of that.” With these exceptions she had sat at home in languid melancholy and suspense, fixing her mind on Will Ladislaw’s coming as the one point of hope and interest, and associating this with some new urgency on Lydgate to make immediate arrangements for leaving Middlemarch and going to London, till she felt assured that the coming would be a potent cause of the going, without at all seeing how. This way of establishing sequences is too common to be fairly regarded as a peculiar folly in Rosamond. And it is precisely this sort of sequence which causes the greatest shock when it is sundered: for to see how an effect may be produced is often to see possible missings and checks; but to see nothing except the desirable cause, and close upon it the desirable effect, rids us of doubt and makes our minds strongly intuitive. That was the process going on in poor Rosamond, while she arranged all objects around her with the same nicety as ever, only with more slowness—or sat down to the piano, meaning to play, and then desisting, yet lingering on the music stool with her white fingers suspended on the wooden front, and looking before her in dreamy ennui. Her melancholy had become so marked that Lydgate felt a strange timidity before it, as a perpetual silent reproach, and the strong man, mastered by his keen sensibilities towards this fair fragile creature whose life he seemed somehow to have bruised, shrank from her look, and sometimes started at her approach, fear of her and fear for her rushing in only the more forcibly after it had been momentarily expelled by exasperation.

But this morning Rosamond descended from her room upstairs—where she sometimes sat the whole day when Lydgate was out—equipped for a walk in the town. She had a letter to post—a letter addressed to Mr. Ladislaw and written with charming discretion, but intended to hasten his arrival by a hint of trouble. The servant-maid, their sole house-servant now, noticed her coming down-stairs in her walking dress, and thought “there never did anybody look so pretty in a bonnet poor thing.”

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Next - Middlemarch - 91
  • Parts
  • Middlemarch - 01
    Total number of words is 2871
    Total number of unique words is 1132
    47.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    63.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    72.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 02
    Total number of words is 3143
    Total number of unique words is 998
    56.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 03
    Total number of words is 3262
    Total number of unique words is 1160
    50.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    68.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    75.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 04
    Total number of words is 3274
    Total number of unique words is 1030
    56.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 05
    Total number of words is 3329
    Total number of unique words is 996
    58.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 06
    Total number of words is 3242
    Total number of unique words is 1047
    54.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 07
    Total number of words is 3297
    Total number of unique words is 1073
    55.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 08
    Total number of words is 3306
    Total number of unique words is 976
    59.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    76.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 09
    Total number of words is 3250
    Total number of unique words is 1003
    56.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 10
    Total number of words is 3285
    Total number of unique words is 1180
    50.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 11
    Total number of words is 3186
    Total number of unique words is 1095
    51.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 12
    Total number of words is 3098
    Total number of unique words is 955
    58.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 13
    Total number of words is 3192
    Total number of unique words is 1008
    57.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 14
    Total number of words is 3068
    Total number of unique words is 984
    58.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 15
    Total number of words is 3274
    Total number of unique words is 1031
    52.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 16
    Total number of words is 3328
    Total number of unique words is 891
    62.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    78.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    83.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 17
    Total number of words is 2876
    Total number of unique words is 1078
    49.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    67.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    75.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 18
    Total number of words is 3306
    Total number of unique words is 1163
    50.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    66.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    75.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 19
    Total number of words is 3188
    Total number of unique words is 1033
    57.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 20
    Total number of words is 3271
    Total number of unique words is 1126
    52.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 21
    Total number of words is 3243
    Total number of unique words is 1041
    52.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 22
    Total number of words is 3141
    Total number of unique words is 1072
    50.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    67.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    73.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 23
    Total number of words is 3273
    Total number of unique words is 1169
    51.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    75.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 24
    Total number of words is 3359
    Total number of unique words is 1147
    54.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 25
    Total number of words is 3248
    Total number of unique words is 1051
    54.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 26
    Total number of words is 3336
    Total number of unique words is 987
    57.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 27
    Total number of words is 3298
    Total number of unique words is 1062
    56.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 28
    Total number of words is 2971
    Total number of unique words is 991
    55.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 29
    Total number of words is 3155
    Total number of unique words is 984
    55.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 30
    Total number of words is 3349
    Total number of unique words is 983
    60.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 31
    Total number of words is 3321
    Total number of unique words is 1039
    57.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 32
    Total number of words is 3068
    Total number of unique words is 1076
    54.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 33
    Total number of words is 3264
    Total number of unique words is 1110
    53.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 34
    Total number of words is 3243
    Total number of unique words is 999
    59.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    77.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    84.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 35
    Total number of words is 3136
    Total number of unique words is 965
    59.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    76.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 36
    Total number of words is 3343
    Total number of unique words is 1141
    52.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 37
    Total number of words is 3238
    Total number of unique words is 1063
    56.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 38
    Total number of words is 3332
    Total number of unique words is 1036
    56.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 39
    Total number of words is 3089
    Total number of unique words is 1077
    52.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    76.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 40
    Total number of words is 3264
    Total number of unique words is 1046
    57.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 41
    Total number of words is 3217
    Total number of unique words is 1070
    54.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 42
    Total number of words is 3095
    Total number of unique words is 1087
    52.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    76.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 43
    Total number of words is 3332
    Total number of unique words is 962
    62.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    79.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    84.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 44
    Total number of words is 3284
    Total number of unique words is 1041
    57.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 45
    Total number of words is 3130
    Total number of unique words is 925
    53.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    75.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 46
    Total number of words is 3207
    Total number of unique words is 954
    60.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 47
    Total number of words is 3225
    Total number of unique words is 1120
    54.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 48
    Total number of words is 3407
    Total number of unique words is 983
    61.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    76.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 49
    Total number of words is 3280
    Total number of unique words is 1099
    52.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    76.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 50
    Total number of words is 3248
    Total number of unique words is 1095
    53.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 51
    Total number of words is 3341
    Total number of unique words is 1018
    61.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    77.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    83.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 52
    Total number of words is 3299
    Total number of unique words is 1043
    53.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 53
    Total number of words is 3243
    Total number of unique words is 1114
    49.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    66.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    74.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 54
    Total number of words is 3087
    Total number of unique words is 995
    55.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 55
    Total number of words is 3270
    Total number of unique words is 1080
    53.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 56
    Total number of words is 3296
    Total number of unique words is 1074
    56.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 57
    Total number of words is 3287
    Total number of unique words is 956
    61.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 58
    Total number of words is 3335
    Total number of unique words is 922
    60.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    77.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    84.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 59
    Total number of words is 3337
    Total number of unique words is 1054
    55.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 60
    Total number of words is 3289
    Total number of unique words is 993
    56.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 61
    Total number of words is 3362
    Total number of unique words is 977
    58.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 62
    Total number of words is 3376
    Total number of unique words is 1075
    56.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 63
    Total number of words is 3391
    Total number of unique words is 1096
    55.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    76.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 64
    Total number of words is 3356
    Total number of unique words is 985
    60.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    76.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    83.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 65
    Total number of words is 3278
    Total number of unique words is 1082
    53.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 66
    Total number of words is 3358
    Total number of unique words is 928
    59.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 67
    Total number of words is 3231
    Total number of unique words is 1010
    59.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 68
    Total number of words is 3251
    Total number of unique words is 1014
    58.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 69
    Total number of words is 3389
    Total number of unique words is 1123
    53.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 70
    Total number of words is 3201
    Total number of unique words is 970
    59.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    76.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 71
    Total number of words is 3128
    Total number of unique words is 1086
    53.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 72
    Total number of words is 3322
    Total number of unique words is 1072
    57.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 73
    Total number of words is 3290
    Total number of unique words is 1076
    53.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 74
    Total number of words is 3363
    Total number of unique words is 1004
    60.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    77.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    83.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 75
    Total number of words is 3324
    Total number of unique words is 996
    62.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    78.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    84.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 76
    Total number of words is 3261
    Total number of unique words is 1031
    57.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 77
    Total number of words is 3401
    Total number of unique words is 964
    61.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    77.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    83.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 78
    Total number of words is 3396
    Total number of unique words is 1022
    58.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 79
    Total number of words is 3462
    Total number of unique words is 1033
    58.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 80
    Total number of words is 3287
    Total number of unique words is 1059
    55.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    76.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    84.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 81
    Total number of words is 3402
    Total number of unique words is 1099
    57.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    83.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 82
    Total number of words is 3317
    Total number of unique words is 969
    61.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    78.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    84.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 83
    Total number of words is 3308
    Total number of unique words is 1044
    58.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 84
    Total number of words is 3270
    Total number of unique words is 1030
    58.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 85
    Total number of words is 3244
    Total number of unique words is 1039
    54.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    76.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 86
    Total number of words is 3316
    Total number of unique words is 1030
    57.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 87
    Total number of words is 3223
    Total number of unique words is 971
    56.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 88
    Total number of words is 3334
    Total number of unique words is 1066
    58.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    77.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    83.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 89
    Total number of words is 3279
    Total number of unique words is 955
    61.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    80.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    86.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 90
    Total number of words is 3406
    Total number of unique words is 915
    65.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    80.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    85.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 91
    Total number of words is 3271
    Total number of unique words is 1028
    56.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    83.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 92
    Total number of words is 3296
    Total number of unique words is 1075
    56.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 93
    Total number of words is 3247
    Total number of unique words is 976
    59.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    76.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 94
    Total number of words is 2936
    Total number of unique words is 927
    61.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    76.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    84.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 95
    Total number of words is 3395
    Total number of unique words is 971
    60.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    78.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    84.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 96
    Total number of words is 3204
    Total number of unique words is 837
    63.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    78.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    83.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 97
    Total number of words is 3148
    Total number of unique words is 996
    57.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Middlemarch - 98
    Total number of words is 2633
    Total number of unique words is 922
    57.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    76.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    83.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.