Hungarian-Scots Gaelic dictionary

A a Á á B b C c Cs cs D d Dz dz Dzs dzs E e É é F f G g Gy gy H h I i Í í J j K k L l Ly ly M m N n Ny ny O o Ó ó Ö ö Ő ő P p Q q R r S s Sz sz T t Ty ty U u Ú ú Ü ü Ű ű V v W w X x Y y Z z Zs zs

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3épenHungarianScots Gaelic
4és aHungarianScots Gaelic
5édesHungarianScots Gaelic
6életHungarianScots Gaelic
7éppenHungarianScots Gaelic
8érteHungarianScots Gaelic
9évHungarianScots Gaelic
10éjjelHungarianScots Gaelic
11észreHungarianScots Gaelic
12égHungarianScots Gaelic
13és azHungarianScots Gaelic
14értHungarianScots Gaelic
15érezteHungarianScots Gaelic
16évesHungarianScots Gaelic
17élHungarianScots Gaelic
18éltHungarianScots Gaelic
19érHungarianScots Gaelic
20élőHungarianScots Gaelic
21épHungarianScots Gaelic
22életetHungarianScots Gaelic
23én nemHungarianScots Gaelic
24éjszakaHungarianScots Gaelic
25élniHungarianScots Gaelic
26és nemHungarianScots Gaelic
27értemHungarianScots Gaelic
28én isHungarianScots Gaelic
29életeHungarianScots Gaelic
30érkezettHungarianScots Gaelic
31élesHungarianScots Gaelic
32érdekesHungarianScots Gaelic
33égőHungarianScots Gaelic
34életétHungarianScots Gaelic
35életbenHungarianScots Gaelic
36érziHungarianScots Gaelic
37érdemesHungarianScots Gaelic
38életébenHungarianScots Gaelic
39értekHungarianScots Gaelic
40érzettHungarianScots Gaelic
41érzésHungarianScots Gaelic
42éppHungarianScots Gaelic
43észrevetteHungarianScots Gaelic
44éviHungarianScots Gaelic
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47éreztemHungarianScots Gaelic
48én aHungarianScots Gaelic
49érzemHungarianScots Gaelic
50évvelHungarianScots Gaelic
51éjHungarianScots Gaelic
52észHungarianScots Gaelic
53égettHungarianScots Gaelic
54élnekHungarianScots Gaelic
55éljenHungarianScots Gaelic
56értetteHungarianScots Gaelic
57évigHungarianScots Gaelic
58értiHungarianScots Gaelic
59és hogyHungarianScots Gaelic
60éjjeliHungarianScots Gaelic
61és haHungarianScots Gaelic
62évbenHungarianScots Gaelic
63én aztHungarianScots Gaelic
64ébrenHungarianScots Gaelic
65életnekHungarianScots Gaelic
66égenHungarianScots Gaelic
67életreHungarianScots Gaelic
68élénkHungarianScots Gaelic
69én vagyokHungarianScots Gaelic
70éhesHungarianScots Gaelic
71és aztHungarianScots Gaelic
72és énHungarianScots Gaelic
73éjfélHungarianScots Gaelic
74érzéHungarianScots Gaelic
75életénekHungarianScots Gaelic
76értedHungarianScots Gaelic
77évaHungarianScots Gaelic
78életemHungarianScots Gaelic
79érteniHungarianScots Gaelic
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81élekHungarianScots Gaelic
82égreHungarianScots Gaelic
83éveHungarianScots Gaelic
84éjszakátHungarianScots Gaelic
85éltekHungarianScots Gaelic
86és mégHungarianScots Gaelic
87és mostHungarianScots Gaelic
88égiHungarianScots Gaelic
89és mindenHungarianScots Gaelic
90értettHungarianScots Gaelic
91épen nemHungarianScots Gaelic
92épületHungarianScots Gaelic
93épen aHungarianScots Gaelic
94érezHungarianScots Gaelic
95érdekébenHungarianScots Gaelic
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98ériHungarianScots Gaelic
99és ezHungarianScots Gaelic
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