Hungarian-Scots Gaelic dictionary

A a Á á B b C c Cs cs D d Dz dz Dzs dzs E e É é F f G g Gy gy H h I i Í í J j K k L l Ly ly M m N n Ny ny O o Ó ó Ö ö Ő ő P p Q q R r S s Sz sz T t Ty ty U u Ú ú Ü ü Ű ű V v W w X x Y y Z z Zs zs

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1utánHungarianScots Gaelic
2ugyHungarianScots Gaelic
3uramHungarianScots Gaelic
4ugyanHungarianScots Gaelic
5utolsóHungarianScots Gaelic
6utánaHungarianScots Gaelic
7urHungarianScots Gaelic
8urakHungarianScots Gaelic
9ujHungarianScots Gaelic
10ujraHungarianScots Gaelic
11uratHungarianScots Gaelic
12uraHungarianScots Gaelic
13ugy-eHungarianScots Gaelic
14utoljáraHungarianScots Gaelic
15utatHungarianScots Gaelic
16utczánHungarianScots Gaelic
17ugyanazonHungarianScots Gaelic
18ugyanisHungarianScots Gaelic
19utóbbHungarianScots Gaelic
20udvariHungarianScots Gaelic
21ugyancsakHungarianScots Gaelic
22utonHungarianScots Gaelic
23ugrottHungarianScots Gaelic
24ugyanazHungarianScots Gaelic
25utóbbiHungarianScots Gaelic
26uralkodóHungarianScots Gaelic
27udvarHungarianScots Gaelic
28udvaronHungarianScots Gaelic
29utánamHungarianScots Gaelic
30urnakHungarianScots Gaelic
31ujabbHungarianScots Gaelic
32uraimHungarianScots Gaelic
33uriHungarianScots Gaelic
34utánukHungarianScots Gaelic
35udvarraHungarianScots Gaelic
36után aHungarianScots Gaelic
37utczáraHungarianScots Gaelic
38utcánHungarianScots Gaelic
39ujságHungarianScots Gaelic
40uránakHungarianScots Gaelic
41utHungarianScots Gaelic
42uramnakHungarianScots Gaelic
43urátHungarianScots Gaelic
44uraságHungarianScots Gaelic
45utczaHungarianScots Gaelic
46utazottHungarianScots Gaelic
47unalmasHungarianScots Gaelic
48ugyanaztHungarianScots Gaelic
49utazniHungarianScots Gaelic
50uralkodikHungarianScots Gaelic
51uramatHungarianScots Gaelic
52urakatHungarianScots Gaelic
53utazóHungarianScots Gaelic
54uraknakHungarianScots Gaelic
55ujságotHungarianScots Gaelic
56ugyan nemHungarianScots Gaelic
57uralkodottHungarianScots Gaelic
58ugyisHungarianScots Gaelic
59ujjátHungarianScots Gaelic
60udvariasHungarianScots Gaelic
61utraHungarianScots Gaelic
62ugyanakkorHungarianScots Gaelic
63utjánHungarianScots Gaelic
64utazásHungarianScots Gaelic
65ujjaiHungarianScots Gaelic
66utálatosHungarianScots Gaelic
67utczákonHungarianScots Gaelic
68urunkHungarianScots Gaelic
69utjátHungarianScots Gaelic
70utániHungarianScots Gaelic
71udvariasanHungarianScots Gaelic
72ujjaHungarianScots Gaelic
73udvaránHungarianScots Gaelic
74ugrikHungarianScots Gaelic
75udvarbanHungarianScots Gaelic
76ugynevezettHungarianScots Gaelic
77urfiHungarianScots Gaelic
78ujjávalHungarianScots Gaelic
79utazikHungarianScots Gaelic
80utcaHungarianScots Gaelic
81urambátyámHungarianScots Gaelic
82utcáraHungarianScots Gaelic
83utóljáraHungarianScots Gaelic
84után azHungarianScots Gaelic
85uralkodniHungarianScots Gaelic
86utasHungarianScots Gaelic
87utakonHungarianScots Gaelic
88utánokHungarianScots Gaelic
89udvarbaHungarianScots Gaelic
90undokHungarianScots Gaelic
91ugy vanHungarianScots Gaelic
92utánunkHungarianScots Gaelic
93ugyan aHungarianScots Gaelic
94utánadHungarianScots Gaelic
95ugyanannyiHungarianScots Gaelic
96utólHungarianScots Gaelic
97unokájaHungarianScots Gaelic
98utána aHungarianScots Gaelic
99utczaiHungarianScots Gaelic
100udvaráraHungarianScots Gaelic