“small” - Английский-Татарский словарь

Timon quipped, "Pumbaa, bugs are small, but in my book, they're the kings of flavor!"

Предложение о произведении “The Lion King”.

Добавить опредение, картинку или аудио
adj. kiçi; adj. ownuk; adj. kelte; adj. bolgusyz; adj. pes wezipeli; adj. ýaş.
كىچىك، ئاز، بېخىل، بەل
adj 1. little ○ Small cars are more economical than large ones. ○ The house is too big for us, so we’re selling it and buying a smaller one. ○ She only paid a small amount for that clock. ○ The guidebook isn’t small enough to carry in your pocket. ○ These trousers are already too small for him. 2. young ○ Fireworks can frighten small children. 3. □ a small fortune a lot of money ○ Those shoes cost me a small fortune. ○ She earns a small fortune selling postcards. (NOTE: smaller – smallest) ■ noun □ the small of the back the middle part of the back below and between the shoulder blades ○ Something is tickling me in the small of my back.
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