Portuguese-Scots Gaelic dictionary

A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z

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1umPortugueseScots Gaelic
2umaPortugueseScots Gaelic
3unsPortugueseScots Gaelic
4um homemPortugueseScots Gaelic
5um dosPortugueseScots Gaelic
6um diaPortugueseScots Gaelic
7umasPortugueseScots Gaelic
8um poucoPortugueseScots Gaelic
9uma dasPortugueseScots Gaelic
10ultimoPortugueseScots Gaelic
11um grandePortugueseScots Gaelic
12um momentoPortugueseScots Gaelic
13unicoPortugueseScots Gaelic
14ultimaPortugueseScots Gaelic
15unicaPortugueseScots Gaelic
16uma mulherPortugueseScots Gaelic
17uma cartaPortugueseScots Gaelic
18uma vezPortugueseScots Gaelic
19uma grandePortugueseScots Gaelic
20ultimosPortugueseScots Gaelic
21unicamentePortugueseScots Gaelic
22uma vozPortugueseScots Gaelic
23um sorrisoPortugueseScots Gaelic
24usoPortugueseScots Gaelic
25uma palavraPortugueseScots Gaelic
26um gestoPortugueseScots Gaelic
27um livroPortugueseScots Gaelic
28unPortugueseScots Gaelic
29uma senhoraPortugueseScots Gaelic
30ultimasPortugueseScots Gaelic
31uma horaPortugueseScots Gaelic
32um arPortugueseScots Gaelic
33um annoPortugueseScots Gaelic
34uma sóPortugueseScots Gaelic
35uma noitePortugueseScots Gaelic
36universoPortugueseScots Gaelic
37um olharPortugueseScots Gaelic
38um velhoPortugueseScots Gaelic
39uma cousaPortugueseScots Gaelic
40uma especiePortugueseScots Gaelic
41um bomPortugueseScots Gaelic
42utilPortugueseScots Gaelic
43um cantoPortugueseScots Gaelic
44uma especie dePortugueseScots Gaelic
45universalPortugueseScots Gaelic
46um filhoPortugueseScots Gaelic
47um sóPortugueseScots Gaelic
48um amigoPortugueseScots Gaelic
49urbanoPortugueseScots Gaelic
50uma coisaPortugueseScots Gaelic
51um instantePortugueseScots Gaelic
52um homem quePortugueseScots Gaelic
53um anjoPortugueseScots Gaelic
54uma boaPortugueseScots Gaelic
55uma partePortugueseScots Gaelic
56uma casaPortugueseScots Gaelic
57um modoPortugueseScots Gaelic
58universidadePortugueseScots Gaelic
59uma idéaPortugueseScots Gaelic
60um rapazPortugueseScots Gaelic
61uma filhaPortugueseScots Gaelic
62um gritoPortugueseScots Gaelic
63um ladoPortugueseScots Gaelic
64um bocadoPortugueseScots Gaelic
65unidadePortugueseScots Gaelic
66um homem dePortugueseScots Gaelic
67ultimamentePortugueseScots Gaelic
68utilidadePortugueseScots Gaelic
69um coraçãoPortugueseScots Gaelic
70um silencioPortugueseScots Gaelic
71unePortugueseScots Gaelic
72um factoPortugueseScots Gaelic
73uma almaPortugueseScots Gaelic
74uma velhaPortugueseScots Gaelic
75um tempoPortugueseScots Gaelic
76uma tardePortugueseScots Gaelic
77unhasPortugueseScots Gaelic
78um nomePortugueseScots Gaelic
79um beijoPortugueseScots Gaelic
80uma pessoaPortugueseScots Gaelic
81uma cadeiraPortugueseScots Gaelic
82uma luzPortugueseScots Gaelic
83uma pequenaPortugueseScots Gaelic
84um quartoPortugueseScots Gaelic
85um criadoPortugueseScots Gaelic
86um mezPortugueseScots Gaelic
87uma meninaPortugueseScots Gaelic
88um reiPortugueseScots Gaelic
89um passoPortugueseScots Gaelic
90um romancePortugueseScots Gaelic
91um povoPortugueseScots Gaelic
92um pequenoPortugueseScots Gaelic
93uma longaPortugueseScots Gaelic
94um dos maisPortugueseScots Gaelic
95uma portaPortugueseScots Gaelic
96um dePortugueseScots Gaelic
97uma novaPortugueseScots Gaelic
98um sonhoPortugueseScots Gaelic
99uma vidaPortugueseScots Gaelic
100um raioPortugueseScots Gaelic