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v. to bring up (i.e. a child), to raise (i.e. a child), to rear (i.e. a child).
orta atmak在定义中英语土库曼人
v. to bring up (i.e. in a conver- sation). EX: Şol meseläni ýene-de orta atma! Don‟t bring up that issue again!
v. to raise, to bring up, to look after (i.e. animals). EX: Meniň ejem çagalaryny gowy idetdi. My mother raised her children well.
1• to increase, to enlarge, to expand, to add on to. Çary aga ekin meýdanyny ulaltmak üçin daýhan birleşiginden goşmaça ýer aldy. Uncle Chary took additional land from the farmer's union, in order to expand his garden. Bize myhman gelse biz stolumyzy ulaldýarys. When guests visit us, we extend our dining table. Jaýymyzy ulaldyp gurmak üçin kän pul gerek. Söwda dükanymy ulaltmak üçin bankdan karz pul aldym. I took a loan from the bank in order to expand my shop. Bize myhman gelse, biz stolumyzy ulaldýarys. When guests visit us, we extend our dinner table. 2• to grow, to bring up. Kiçi guzulary tiz we sagdyn ulaltmak üçin ene süýdinden doýyrmaly. Ýalňyz enä iki çagany ulaltmak kyn. It is hard for a single mother to raise two children. Güllerimi ulaltmak üçin men topraga mineral dökünlerini goşýan. To grow bigger flowers, I fertilise to the soil. 3• to be given a pay rise, be given a raise. Işgär öz isini ökde alyp barsa wezipesini ulaltýarlar. If a worker does his job skilfully, he is given a raise.
to train, teach, bring up well.
training , upbringing, education; discipline, correction. terbiýe bermek to train, bring up, teach; to correct.
sana salmak在定义中英语土库曼人
to put in order; to repair; to bring up.
1• to grow, cultivate. gül ösdürmek to grow flowers. 2• to rear, bring up. çaga ösdürmek to bring up a child. 3• to train. ýerli kadrlary ösdürmek to train local personnel. 4• to rear, raise, breed. maldarçylygy ösdürmek to raise livestock. 5• to perfect, improve. tehnikany ösdürmek to improve machinery. 6• to grow. saç ösdürmek to grow one's hair. sakgalyňy ösdürmek to grow a beard. 7• to increase, raise. sanyny ösdürmek to increase the number.
kemala getirmek在定义中英语土库曼人
to bring up, raise. Meniň ejem sekiz çagany kemala getirdi. My mother raised eight children.
to raise somebody/something, to bring up somebody/something, to look (after), care for. gülleri idetmek to look after flowers.
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