Літературні приклади «states» мовою Англійська

When Will Ladislaw exiled himself from Middlemarch he had placed no stronger obstacle to his return than his own resolve, which was by no means an iron barrier, but simply a state of mind liable to melt into a minuet with other states of mind, and to find itself bowing, smiling, and giving place with polite facility.

These reminded states for the Princess were in fact states of renewed gaping.

With him and with her varying mental states were common.

There are no other states.

It seemed all very natural in such extreme states.

Kingdoms and states, as Tully Cicero says in his epistles, undergo alterations, and so must the human form.

We must not forget that Sun Tzŭ, in speaking of hostilities, always has in mind the numerous states or principalities into which the China of his day was split up.

In America people can get divorced if they don't suit each other—at all events in some of the States—and does any harm come of it?

I could throw off my supplemental novelette of fifteen thousand words without turning a hair, and immediately after it fall to, fresh as a daisy, on the “Illustrated History of the United States,” which I was then doing for Edward Coghlan.

‘I have lived for five days on a few cents' worth of pea-nuts in the States.