Tekstlar häm Tärcemälär

tärcemä "The Golden Horde"

Rediktsiyäläü Beterergä
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Tekstnıñ tele: English:
Tekstnıñ iseme: The Golden Horde
Tekstnıñ iseme: 2019
Tärcemäneñ tele: Tatar
Tärcemäneñ iseme: Altın Urda
Like a ghost in the night without any light
Öräk çikelle tönlä, yaktılıksız
They roam through the steppes and the wilds
Dalalarda häm kırgıylarda yörilär
A dangerous lot
Bik kurkınıç
We are the Golden Horde
Bez Altın Urda
A new day is finally breaking
Nihayat, yaña kön cimerelä
The sun rises up from the east
Könçıgıştan koyaş çıga
A terrible lot is assembling
Çik kotoçkıç närsä cıyıla
Our arrows they darken the skies
Bezneñ uklar kükne karañgılandıralar
Raining down like on hellfire's eve
Tämug utı aldınnan yañgır kebek yavalar
We scatter them into the wilds
Bez alarnı kırgıylarga taratabız
Leave no one alive
Berkemne dä tere kaldırmagız
Like a ghost in the night without any light
Öräk çikelle tönlä, yaktılıksız
They roam through the steppes and the wilds
Dalalarda häm kırgıylarda yörilär
A dangerous lot
Bik kurkınıç
We are the Golden Horde
Bez Altın Urda
Fire or steel
Ut läkin korıç
We'll make them kneel
Bez alarnı tezlänerbez
Torching their temples with ease
Alarnıñ gıybadätxanälären ciñel yandırabız
Unstoppable force
Tuktamaslık köç
We are the Golden Horde
Bez Altın Urda
Faster than northwind we're moving
Bez tönyak cilgä karaganda tizräk
No tyrant can stand in our way
Bezneñ yulda bernindi tiran tora almıy
We ambush from chasms and ravines
Bez upkınnan häm çokırdan tozak yasıybız
A feast for the Gods will be waiting
Täñrelär öçen mäcles kötä
Spoils will be shared equally
Tabış tigez bülenäçäk
Honor for those who have fallen
Töşkännärgä xörmät
Bottoms up!
Töbenäçä eçegez!
Like a ghost in the night without any light
Öräk çikelle tönlä, yaktılıksız
They roam through the steppes and the wilds
Dalalarda häm kırgıylarda yörilär
A dangerous lot
Bik kurkınıç
We are the Golden Horde
Bez Altın Urda
Fire or steel
Ut läkin korıç
We'll make them kneel
Bez alarnı tezlänerbez
Torching their temples with ease
Alarnıñ gıybadätxanälären ciñel yandırabız
Unstoppable force
Tuktamaslık köç
We are the Golden Horde, yeah
Bez Altın Urda, äye
Burn it to the ground!
Anı cirgä xätle yandırıgız!
Like a ghost in the night without any light
Öräk çikelle tönlä, yaktılıksız
They roam through the steppes and the wilds
Dalalarda häm kırgıylarda yörilär
A dangerous lot
Bik kurkınıç
We are the Golden Horde
Bez Altın Urda
Fire or steel
Ut läkin korıç
We'll make them kneel
Bez alarnı tezlänerbez
Torching their temples with ease
Alarnıñ gıybadätxanälären ciñel yandırabız
Unstoppable force
Tuktamaslık köç
We are the Golden Horde
Bez Altın Urda
We are the Golden Horde
Bez Altın Urda
Añlatmanı ezlär öçen süzgä yäki süzlärgä basıgız läkin bilgelägez