The Odyssey - 06
Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5491
Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 1211
56.2 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
74.2 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
80.6 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
Ethiopia, and now he is close to the land of the Phaeacians, where it
is decreed that he shall escape from the calamities that have befallen
him. Still, he shall have plenty of hardship yet before he has done
with it.”
Thereon he gathered his clouds together, grasped his trident, stirred
it round in the sea, and roused the rage of every wind that blows till
earth, sea, and sky were hidden in cloud, and night sprang forth out of
the heavens. Winds from East, South, North, and West fell upon him all
at the same time, and a tremendous sea got up, so that Ulysses’ heart
began to fail him. “Alas,” he said to himself in his dismay, “what ever
will become of me? I am afraid Calypso was right when she said I should
have trouble by sea before I got back home. It is all coming true. How
black is Jove making heaven with his clouds, and what a sea the winds
are raising from every quarter at once. I am now safe to perish. Blest
and thrice blest were those Danaans who fell before Troy in the cause
of the sons of Atreus. Would that I had been killed on the day when the
Trojans were pressing me so sorely about the dead body of Achilles, for
then I should have had due burial and the Achaeans would have honoured
my name; but now it seems that I shall come to a most pitiable end.”
As he spoke a sea broke over him with such terrific fury that the raft
reeled again, and he was carried overboard a long way off. He let go
the helm, and the force of the hurricane was so great that it broke the
mast half way up, and both sail and yard went over into the sea. For a
long time Ulysses was under water, and it was all he could do to rise
to the surface again, for the clothes Calypso had given him weighed him
down; but at last he got his head above water and spat out the bitter
brine that was running down his face in streams. In spite of all this,
however, he did not lose sight of his raft, but swam as fast as he
could towards it, got hold of it, and climbed on board again so as to
escape drowning. The sea took the raft and tossed it about as Autumn
winds whirl thistledown round and round upon a road. It was as though
the South, North, East, and West winds were all playing battledore and
shuttlecock with it at once.
When he was in this plight, Ino daughter of Cadmus, also called
Leucothea, saw him. She had formerly been a mere mortal, but had been
since raised to the rank of a marine goddess. Seeing in what great
distress Ulysses now was, she had compassion upon him, and, rising like
a sea-gull from the waves, took her seat upon the raft.
“My poor good man,” said she, “why is Neptune so furiously angry with
you? He is giving you a great deal of trouble, but for all his bluster
he will not kill you. You seem to be a sensible person, do then as I
bid you; strip, leave your raft to drive before the wind, and swim to
the Phaeacian coast where better luck awaits you. And here, take my
veil and put it round your chest; it is enchanted, and you can come to
no harm so long as you wear it. As soon as you touch land take it off,
throw it back as far as you can into the sea, and then go away again.”
With these words she took off her veil and gave it him. Then she dived
down again like a sea-gull and vanished beneath the dark blue waters.
But Ulysses did not know what to think. “Alas,” he said to himself in
his dismay, “this is only some one or other of the gods who is luring
me to ruin by advising me to quit my raft. At any rate I will not do so
at present, for the land where she said I should be quit of all
troubles seemed to be still a good way off. I know what I will do—I am
sure it will be best—no matter what happens I will stick to the raft as
long as her timbers hold together, but when the sea breaks her up I
will swim for it; I do not see how I can do any better than this.”
While he was thus in two minds, Neptune sent a terrible great wave that
seemed to rear itself above his head till it broke right over the raft,
which then went to pieces as though it were a heap of dry chaff tossed
about by a whirlwind. Ulysses got astride of one plank and rode upon it
as if he were on horseback; he then took off the clothes Calypso had
given him, bound Ino’s veil under his arms, and plunged into the
sea—meaning to swim on shore. King Neptune watched him as he did so,
and wagged his head, muttering to himself and saying, “There now, swim
up and down as you best can till you fall in with well-to-do people. I
do not think you will be able to say that I have let you off too
lightly.” On this he lashed his horses and drove to Aegae where his
palace is.
But Minerva resolved to help Ulysses, so she bound the ways of all the
winds except one, and made them lie quite still; but she roused a good
stiff breeze from the North that should lay the waters till Ulysses
reached the land of the Phaeacians where he would be safe.
Thereon he floated about for two nights and two days in the water, with
a heavy swell on the sea and death staring him in the face; but when
the third day broke, the wind fell and there was a dead calm without so
much as a breath of air stirring. As he rose on the swell he looked
eagerly ahead, and could see land quite near. Then, as children rejoice
when their dear father begins to get better after having for a long
time borne sore affliction sent him by some angry spirit, but the gods
deliver him from evil, so was Ulysses thankful when he again saw land
and trees, and swam on with all his strength that he might once more
set foot upon dry ground. When, however, he got within earshot, he
began to hear the surf thundering up against the rocks, for the swell
still broke against them with a terrific roar. Everything was enveloped
in spray; there were no harbours where a ship might ride, nor shelter
of any kind, but only headlands, low-lying rocks, and mountain tops.
Ulysses’ heart now began to fail him, and he said despairingly to
himself, “Alas, Jove has let me see land after swimming so far that I
had given up all hope, but I can find no landing place, for the coast
is rocky and surf-beaten, the rocks are smooth and rise sheer from the
sea, with deep water close under them so that I cannot climb out for
want of foot hold. I am afraid some great wave will lift me off my legs
and dash me against the rocks as I leave the water—which would give me
a sorry landing. If, on the other hand, I swim further in search of
some shelving beach or harbour, a hurricane may carry me out to sea
again sorely against my will, or heaven may send some great monster of
the deep to attack me; for Amphitrite breeds many such, and I know that
Neptune is very angry with me.”
While he was thus in two minds a wave caught him and took him with such
force against the rocks that he would have been smashed and torn to
pieces if Minerva had not shown him what to do. He caught hold of the
rock with both hands and clung to it groaning with pain till the wave
retired, so he was saved that time; but presently the wave came on
again and carried him back with it far into the sea—tearing his hands
as the suckers of a polypus are torn when some one plucks it from its
bed, and the stones come up along with it—even so did the rocks tear
the skin from his strong hands, and then the wave drew him deep down
under the water.
Here poor Ulysses would have certainly perished even in spite of his
own destiny, if Minerva had not helped him to keep his wits about him.
He swam seaward again, beyond reach of the surf that was beating
against the land, and at the same time he kept looking towards the
shore to see if he could find some haven, or a spit that should take
the waves aslant. By and by, as he swam on, he came to the mouth of a
river, and here he thought would be the best place, for there were no
rocks, and it afforded shelter from the wind. He felt that there was a
current, so he prayed inwardly and said:
“Hear me, O King, whoever you may be, and save me from the anger of the
sea-god Neptune, for I approach you prayerfully. Any one who has lost
his way has at all times a claim even upon the gods, wherefore in my
distress I draw near to your stream, and cling to the knees of your
riverhood. Have mercy upon me, O king, for I declare myself your
Then the god staid his stream and stilled the waves, making all calm
before him, and bringing him safely into the mouth of the river. Here
at last Ulysses’ knees and strong hands failed him, for the sea had
completely broken him. His body was all swollen, and his mouth and
nostrils ran down like a river with sea-water, so that he could neither
breathe nor speak, and lay swooning from sheer exhaustion; presently,
when he had got his breath and came to himself again, he took off the
scarf that Ino had given him and threw it back into the salt54 stream
of the river, whereon Ino received it into her hands from the wave that
bore it towards her. Then he left the river, laid himself down among
the rushes, and kissed the bounteous earth.
“Alas,” he cried to himself in his dismay, “what ever will become of
me, and how is it all to end? If I stay here upon the river bed through
the long watches of the night, I am so exhausted that the bitter cold
and damp may make an end of me—for towards sunrise there will be a keen
wind blowing from off the river. If, on the other hand, I climb the
hill side, find shelter in the woods, and sleep in some thicket, I may
escape the cold and have a good night’s rest, but some savage beast may
take advantage of me and devour me.”
In the end he deemed it best to take to the woods, and he found one
upon some high ground not far from the water. There he crept beneath
two shoots of olive that grew from a single stock—the one an ungrafted
sucker, while the other had been grafted. No wind, however squally,
could break through the cover they afforded, nor could the sun’s rays
pierce them, nor the rain get through them, so closely did they grow
into one another. Ulysses crept under these and began to make himself a
bed to lie on, for there was a great litter of dead leaves lying
about—enough to make a covering for two or three men even in hard
winter weather. He was glad enough to see this, so he laid himself down
and heaped the leaves all round him. Then, as one who lives alone in
the country, far from any neighbor, hides a brand as fire-seed in the
ashes to save himself from having to get a light elsewhere, even so did
Ulysses cover himself up with leaves; and Minerva shed a sweet sleep
upon his eyes, closed his eyelids, and made him lose all memories of
his sorrows.
So here Ulysses slept, overcome by sleep and toil; but Minerva went off
to the country and city of the Phaeacians—a people who used to live in
the fair town of Hypereia, near the lawless Cyclopes. Now the Cyclopes
were stronger than they and plundered them, so their king Nausithous
moved them thence and settled them in Scheria, far from all other
people. He surrounded the city with a wall, built houses and temples,
and divided the lands among his people; but he was dead and gone to the
house of Hades, and King Alcinous, whose counsels were inspired of
heaven, was now reigning. To his house, then, did Minerva hie in
furtherance of the return of Ulysses.
She went straight to the beautifully decorated bedroom in which there
slept a girl who was as lovely as a goddess, Nausicaa, daughter to King
Alcinous. Two maid servants were sleeping near her, both very pretty,
one on either side of the doorway, which was closed with well made
folding doors. Minerva took the form of the famous sea captain Dymas’s
daughter, who was a bosom friend of Nausicaa and just her own age;
then, coming up to the girl’s bedside like a breath of wind, she
hovered over her head and said:
“Nausicaa, what can your mother have been about, to have such a lazy
daughter? Here are your clothes all lying in disorder, yet you are
going to be married almost immediately, and should not only be well
dressed yourself, but should find good clothes for those who attend
you. This is the way to get yourself a good name, and to make your
father and mother proud of you. Suppose, then, that we make tomorrow a
washing day, and start at daybreak. I will come and help you so that
you may have everything ready as soon as possible, for all the best
young men among your own people are courting you, and you are not going
to remain a maid much longer. Ask your father, therefore, to have a
waggon and mules ready for us at daybreak, to take the rugs, robes, and
girdles, and you can ride, too, which will be much pleasanter for you
than walking, for the washing-cisterns are some way from the town.”
When she had said this Minerva went away to Olympus, which they say is
the everlasting home of the gods. Here no wind beats roughly, and
neither rain nor snow can fall; but it abides in everlasting sunshine
and in a great peacefulness of light, wherein the blessed gods are
illumined for ever and ever. This was the place to which the goddess
went when she had given instructions to the girl.
By and by morning came and woke Nausicaa, who began wondering about her
dream; she therefore went to the other end of the house to tell her
father and mother all about it, and found them in their own room. Her
mother was sitting by the fireside spinning her purple yarn with her
maids around her, and she happened to catch her father just as he was
going out to attend a meeting of the town council, which the Phaeacian
aldermen had convened. She stopped him and said:
“Papa dear, could you manage to let me have a good big waggon? I want
to take all our dirty clothes to the river and wash them. You are the
chief man here, so it is only right that you should have a clean shirt
when you attend meetings of the council. Moreover, you have five sons
at home, two of them married, while the other three are good looking
bachelors; you know they always like to have clean linen when they go
to a dance, and I have been thinking about all this.”
She did not say a word about her own wedding, for she did not like to,
but her father knew and said, “You shall have the mules, my love, and
whatever else you have a mind for. Be off with you, and the men shall
get you a good strong waggon with a body to it that will hold all your
On this he gave his orders to the servants, who got the waggon out,
harnessed the mules, and put them to, while the girl brought the
clothes down from the linen room and placed them on the waggon. Her
mother prepared her a basket of provisions with all sorts of good
things, and a goat skin full of wine; the girl now got into the waggon,
and her mother gave her also a golden cruse of oil, that she and her
women might anoint themselves. Then she took the whip and reins and
lashed the mules on, whereon they set off, and their hoofs clattered on
the road. They pulled without flagging, and carried not only Nausicaa
and her wash of clothes, but the maids also who were with her.
When they reached the water side they went to the washing cisterns,
through which there ran at all times enough pure water to wash any
quantity of linen, no matter how dirty. Here they unharnessed the mules
and turned them out to feed on the sweet juicy herbage that grew by the
water side. They took the clothes out of the waggon, put them in the
water, and vied with one another in treading them in the pits to get
the dirt out. After they had washed them and got them quite clean, they
laid them out by the sea side, where the waves had raised a high beach
of shingle, and set about washing themselves and anointing themselves
with olive oil. Then they got their dinner by the side of the stream,
and waited for the sun to finish drying the clothes. When they had done
dinner they threw off the veils that covered their heads and began to
play at ball, while Nausicaa sang for them. As the huntress Diana goes
forth upon the mountains of Taygetus or Erymanthus to hunt wild boars
or deer, and the wood nymphs, daughters of Aegis-bearing Jove, take
their sport along with her (then is Leto proud at seeing her daughter
stand a full head taller than the others, and eclipse the loveliest
amid a whole bevy of beauties), even so did the girl outshine her
When it was time for them to start home, and they were folding the
clothes and putting them into the waggon, Minerva began to consider how
Ulysses should wake up and see the handsome girl who was to conduct him
to the city of the Phaeacians. The girl, therefore, threw a ball at one
of the maids, which missed her and fell into deep water. On this they
all shouted, and the noise they made woke Ulysses, who sat up in his
bed of leaves and began to wonder what it might all be.
“Alas,” said he to himself, “what kind of people have I come amongst?
Are they cruel, savage, and uncivilised, or hospitable and humane? I
seem to hear the voices of young women, and they sound like those of
the nymphs that haunt mountain tops, or springs of rivers and meadows
of green grass. At any rate I am among a race of men and women. Let me
try if I cannot manage to get a look at them.”
As he said this he crept from under his bush, and broke off a bough
covered with thick leaves to hide his nakedness. He looked like some
lion of the wilderness that stalks about exulting in his strength and
defying both wind and rain; his eyes glare as he prowls in quest of
oxen, sheep, or deer, for he is famished, and will dare break even into
a well fenced homestead, trying to get at the sheep—even such did
Ulysses seem to the young women, as he drew near to them all naked as
he was, for he was in great want. On seeing one so unkempt and so
begrimed with salt water, the others scampered off along the spits that
jutted out into the sea, but the daughter of Alcinous stood firm, for
Minerva put courage into her heart and took away all fear from her. She
stood right in front of Ulysses, and he doubted whether he should go up
to her, throw himself at her feet, and embrace her knees as a
suppliant, or stay where he was and entreat her to give him some
clothes and show him the way to the town. In the end he deemed it best
to entreat her from a distance in case the girl should take offence at
his coming near enough to clasp her knees, so he addressed her in
honeyed and persuasive language.
“O queen,” he said, “I implore your aid—but tell me, are you a goddess
or are you a mortal woman? If you are a goddess and dwell in heaven, I
can only conjecture that you are Jove’s daughter Diana, for your face
and figure resemble none but hers; if on the other hand you are a
mortal and live on earth, thrice happy are your father and
mother—thrice happy, too, are your brothers and sisters; how proud and
delighted they must feel when they see so fair a scion as yourself
going out to a dance; most happy, however, of all will he be whose
wedding gifts have been the richest, and who takes you to his own home.
I never yet saw any one so beautiful, neither man nor woman, and am
lost in admiration as I behold you. I can only compare you to a young
palm tree which I saw when I was at Delos growing near the altar of
Apollo—for I was there, too, with much people after me, when I was on
that journey which has been the source of all my troubles. Never yet
did such a young plant shoot out of the ground as that was, and I
admired and wondered at it exactly as I now admire and wonder at
yourself. I dare not clasp your knees, but I am in great distress;
yesterday made the twentieth day that I had been tossing about upon the
sea. The winds and waves have taken me all the way from the Ogygian
island,55 and now fate has flung me upon this coast that I may endure
still further suffering; for I do not think that I have yet come to the
end of it, but rather that heaven has still much evil in store for me.
“And now, O queen, have pity upon me, for you are the first person I
have met, and I know no one else in this country. Show me the way to
your town, and let me have anything that you may have brought hither to
wrap your clothes in. May heaven grant you in all things your heart’s
desire—husband, house, and a happy, peaceful home; for there is nothing
better in this world than that man and wife should be of one mind in a
house. It discomfits their enemies, makes the hearts of their friends
glad, and they themselves know more about it than any one.”
To this Nausicaa answered, “Stranger, you appear to be a sensible,
well-disposed person. There is no accounting for luck; Jove gives
prosperity to rich and poor just as he chooses, so you must take what
he has seen fit to send you, and make the best of it. Now, however,
that you have come to this our country, you shall not want for clothes
nor for anything else that a foreigner in distress may reasonably look
for. I will show you the way to the town, and will tell you the name of
our people; we are called Phaeacians, and I am daughter to Alcinous, in
whom the whole power of the state is vested.”
Then she called her maids and said, “Stay where you are, you girls. Can
you not see a man without running away from him? Do you take him for a
robber or a murderer? Neither he nor any one else can come here to do
us Phaeacians any harm, for we are dear to the gods, and live apart on
a land’s end that juts into the sounding sea, and have nothing to do
with any other people. This is only some poor man who has lost his way,
and we must be kind to him, for strangers and foreigners in distress
are under Jove’s protection, and will take what they can get and be
thankful; so, girls, give the poor fellow something to eat and drink,
and wash him in the stream at some place that is sheltered from the
On this the maids left off running away and began calling one another
back. They made Ulysses sit down in the shelter as Nausicaa had told
them, and brought him a shirt and cloak. They also brought him the
little golden cruse of oil, and told him to go and wash in the stream.
But Ulysses said, “Young women, please to stand a little on one side
that I may wash the brine from my shoulders and anoint myself with oil,
for it is long enough since my skin has had a drop of oil upon it. I
cannot wash as long as you all keep standing there. I am ashamed to
strip56 before a number of good looking young women.”
Then they stood on one side and went to tell the girl, while Ulysses
washed himself in the stream and scrubbed the brine from his back and
from his broad shoulders. When he had thoroughly washed himself, and
had got the brine out of his hair, he anointed himself with oil, and
put on the clothes which the girl had given him; Minerva then made him
look taller and stronger than before, she also made the hair grow thick
on the top of his head, and flow down in curls like hyacinth blossoms;
she glorified him about the head and shoulders as a skilful workman who
has studied art of all kinds under Vulcan and Minerva enriches a piece
of silver plate by gilding it—and his work is full of beauty. Then he
went and sat down a little way off upon the beach, looking quite young
and handsome, and the girl gazed on him with admiration; then she said
to her maids:
“Hush, my dears, for I want to say something. I believe the gods who
live in heaven have sent this man to the Phaeacians. When I first saw
him I thought him plain, but now his appearance is like that of the
gods who dwell in heaven. I should like my future husband to be just
such another as he is, if he would only stay here and not want to go
away. However, give him something to eat and drink.”
They did as they were told, and set food before Ulysses, who ate and
drank ravenously, for it was long since he had had food of any kind.
Meanwhile, Nausicaa bethought her of another matter. She got the linen
folded and placed in the waggon, she then yoked the mules, and, as she
took her seat, she called Ulysses:
“Stranger,” said she, “rise and let us be going back to the town; I
will introduce you at the house of my excellent father, where I can
tell you that you will meet all the best people among the Phaeacians.
But be sure and do as I bid you, for you seem to be a sensible person.
As long as we are going past the fields and farm lands, follow briskly
behind the waggon along with the maids and I will lead the way myself.
Presently, however, we shall come to the town, where you will find a
high wall running all round it, and a good harbour on either side with
a narrow entrance into the city, and the ships will be drawn up by the
road side, for every one has a place where his own ship can lie. You
will see the market place with a temple of Neptune in the middle of it,
and paved with large stones bedded in the earth. Here people deal in
ship’s gear of all kinds, such as cables and sails, and here, too, are
the places where oars are made, for the Phaeacians are not a nation of
archers; they know nothing about bows and arrows, but are a sea-faring
folk, and pride themselves on their masts, oars, and ships, with which
they travel far over the sea.
“I am afraid of the gossip and scandal that may be set on foot against
me later on; for the people here are very ill-natured, and some low
fellow, if he met us, might say, ‘Who is this fine-looking stranger
that is going about with Nausicaa? Where did she find him? I suppose
she is going to marry him. Perhaps he is a vagabond sailor whom she has
taken from some foreign vessel, for we have no neighbours; or some god
has at last come down from heaven in answer to her prayers, and she is
going to live with him all the rest of her life. It would be a good
thing if she would take herself off and find a husband somewhere else,
for she will not look at one of the many excellent young Phaeacians who
are in love with her.’ This is the kind of disparaging remark that
would be made about me, and I could not complain, for I should myself
be scandalised at seeing any other girl do the like, and go about with
men in spite of everybody, while her father and mother were still
alive, and without having been married in the face of all the world.
“If, therefore, you want my father to give you an escort and to help
you home, do as I bid you; you will see a beautiful grove of poplars by
the road side dedicated to Minerva; it has a well in it and a meadow
all round it. Here my father has a field of rich garden ground, about
as far from the town as a man’s voice will carry. Sit down there and
wait for a while till the rest of us can get into the town and reach my
father’s house. Then, when you think we must have done this, come into
the town and ask the way to the house of my father Alcinous. You will
have no difficulty in finding it; any child will point it out to you,
for no one else in the whole town has anything like such a fine house
as he has. When you have got past the gates and through the outer
court, go right across the inner court till you come to my mother. You
will find her sitting by the fire and spinning her purple wool by
firelight. It is a fine sight to see her as she leans back against one
of the bearing-posts with her maids all ranged behind her. Close to her
seat stands that of my father, on which he sits and topes like an
immortal god. Never mind him, but go up to my mother, and lay your
hands upon her knees if you would get home quickly. If you can gain her
over, you may hope to see your own country again, no matter how distant
it may be.”
So saying she lashed the mules with her whip and they left the river.
The mules drew well, and their hoofs went up and down upon the road.
She was careful not to go too fast for Ulysses and the maids who were
following on foot along with the waggon, so she plied her whip with
judgement. As the sun was going down they came to the sacred grove of
Minerva, and there Ulysses sat down and prayed to the mighty daughter
of Jove.
“Hear me,” he cried, “daughter of Aegis-bearing Jove, unweariable, hear
me now, for you gave no heed to my prayers when Neptune was wrecking
me. Now, therefore, have pity upon me and grant that I may find friends
is decreed that he shall escape from the calamities that have befallen
him. Still, he shall have plenty of hardship yet before he has done
with it.”
Thereon he gathered his clouds together, grasped his trident, stirred
it round in the sea, and roused the rage of every wind that blows till
earth, sea, and sky were hidden in cloud, and night sprang forth out of
the heavens. Winds from East, South, North, and West fell upon him all
at the same time, and a tremendous sea got up, so that Ulysses’ heart
began to fail him. “Alas,” he said to himself in his dismay, “what ever
will become of me? I am afraid Calypso was right when she said I should
have trouble by sea before I got back home. It is all coming true. How
black is Jove making heaven with his clouds, and what a sea the winds
are raising from every quarter at once. I am now safe to perish. Blest
and thrice blest were those Danaans who fell before Troy in the cause
of the sons of Atreus. Would that I had been killed on the day when the
Trojans were pressing me so sorely about the dead body of Achilles, for
then I should have had due burial and the Achaeans would have honoured
my name; but now it seems that I shall come to a most pitiable end.”
As he spoke a sea broke over him with such terrific fury that the raft
reeled again, and he was carried overboard a long way off. He let go
the helm, and the force of the hurricane was so great that it broke the
mast half way up, and both sail and yard went over into the sea. For a
long time Ulysses was under water, and it was all he could do to rise
to the surface again, for the clothes Calypso had given him weighed him
down; but at last he got his head above water and spat out the bitter
brine that was running down his face in streams. In spite of all this,
however, he did not lose sight of his raft, but swam as fast as he
could towards it, got hold of it, and climbed on board again so as to
escape drowning. The sea took the raft and tossed it about as Autumn
winds whirl thistledown round and round upon a road. It was as though
the South, North, East, and West winds were all playing battledore and
shuttlecock with it at once.
When he was in this plight, Ino daughter of Cadmus, also called
Leucothea, saw him. She had formerly been a mere mortal, but had been
since raised to the rank of a marine goddess. Seeing in what great
distress Ulysses now was, she had compassion upon him, and, rising like
a sea-gull from the waves, took her seat upon the raft.
“My poor good man,” said she, “why is Neptune so furiously angry with
you? He is giving you a great deal of trouble, but for all his bluster
he will not kill you. You seem to be a sensible person, do then as I
bid you; strip, leave your raft to drive before the wind, and swim to
the Phaeacian coast where better luck awaits you. And here, take my
veil and put it round your chest; it is enchanted, and you can come to
no harm so long as you wear it. As soon as you touch land take it off,
throw it back as far as you can into the sea, and then go away again.”
With these words she took off her veil and gave it him. Then she dived
down again like a sea-gull and vanished beneath the dark blue waters.
But Ulysses did not know what to think. “Alas,” he said to himself in
his dismay, “this is only some one or other of the gods who is luring
me to ruin by advising me to quit my raft. At any rate I will not do so
at present, for the land where she said I should be quit of all
troubles seemed to be still a good way off. I know what I will do—I am
sure it will be best—no matter what happens I will stick to the raft as
long as her timbers hold together, but when the sea breaks her up I
will swim for it; I do not see how I can do any better than this.”
While he was thus in two minds, Neptune sent a terrible great wave that
seemed to rear itself above his head till it broke right over the raft,
which then went to pieces as though it were a heap of dry chaff tossed
about by a whirlwind. Ulysses got astride of one plank and rode upon it
as if he were on horseback; he then took off the clothes Calypso had
given him, bound Ino’s veil under his arms, and plunged into the
sea—meaning to swim on shore. King Neptune watched him as he did so,
and wagged his head, muttering to himself and saying, “There now, swim
up and down as you best can till you fall in with well-to-do people. I
do not think you will be able to say that I have let you off too
lightly.” On this he lashed his horses and drove to Aegae where his
palace is.
But Minerva resolved to help Ulysses, so she bound the ways of all the
winds except one, and made them lie quite still; but she roused a good
stiff breeze from the North that should lay the waters till Ulysses
reached the land of the Phaeacians where he would be safe.
Thereon he floated about for two nights and two days in the water, with
a heavy swell on the sea and death staring him in the face; but when
the third day broke, the wind fell and there was a dead calm without so
much as a breath of air stirring. As he rose on the swell he looked
eagerly ahead, and could see land quite near. Then, as children rejoice
when their dear father begins to get better after having for a long
time borne sore affliction sent him by some angry spirit, but the gods
deliver him from evil, so was Ulysses thankful when he again saw land
and trees, and swam on with all his strength that he might once more
set foot upon dry ground. When, however, he got within earshot, he
began to hear the surf thundering up against the rocks, for the swell
still broke against them with a terrific roar. Everything was enveloped
in spray; there were no harbours where a ship might ride, nor shelter
of any kind, but only headlands, low-lying rocks, and mountain tops.
Ulysses’ heart now began to fail him, and he said despairingly to
himself, “Alas, Jove has let me see land after swimming so far that I
had given up all hope, but I can find no landing place, for the coast
is rocky and surf-beaten, the rocks are smooth and rise sheer from the
sea, with deep water close under them so that I cannot climb out for
want of foot hold. I am afraid some great wave will lift me off my legs
and dash me against the rocks as I leave the water—which would give me
a sorry landing. If, on the other hand, I swim further in search of
some shelving beach or harbour, a hurricane may carry me out to sea
again sorely against my will, or heaven may send some great monster of
the deep to attack me; for Amphitrite breeds many such, and I know that
Neptune is very angry with me.”
While he was thus in two minds a wave caught him and took him with such
force against the rocks that he would have been smashed and torn to
pieces if Minerva had not shown him what to do. He caught hold of the
rock with both hands and clung to it groaning with pain till the wave
retired, so he was saved that time; but presently the wave came on
again and carried him back with it far into the sea—tearing his hands
as the suckers of a polypus are torn when some one plucks it from its
bed, and the stones come up along with it—even so did the rocks tear
the skin from his strong hands, and then the wave drew him deep down
under the water.
Here poor Ulysses would have certainly perished even in spite of his
own destiny, if Minerva had not helped him to keep his wits about him.
He swam seaward again, beyond reach of the surf that was beating
against the land, and at the same time he kept looking towards the
shore to see if he could find some haven, or a spit that should take
the waves aslant. By and by, as he swam on, he came to the mouth of a
river, and here he thought would be the best place, for there were no
rocks, and it afforded shelter from the wind. He felt that there was a
current, so he prayed inwardly and said:
“Hear me, O King, whoever you may be, and save me from the anger of the
sea-god Neptune, for I approach you prayerfully. Any one who has lost
his way has at all times a claim even upon the gods, wherefore in my
distress I draw near to your stream, and cling to the knees of your
riverhood. Have mercy upon me, O king, for I declare myself your
Then the god staid his stream and stilled the waves, making all calm
before him, and bringing him safely into the mouth of the river. Here
at last Ulysses’ knees and strong hands failed him, for the sea had
completely broken him. His body was all swollen, and his mouth and
nostrils ran down like a river with sea-water, so that he could neither
breathe nor speak, and lay swooning from sheer exhaustion; presently,
when he had got his breath and came to himself again, he took off the
scarf that Ino had given him and threw it back into the salt54 stream
of the river, whereon Ino received it into her hands from the wave that
bore it towards her. Then he left the river, laid himself down among
the rushes, and kissed the bounteous earth.
“Alas,” he cried to himself in his dismay, “what ever will become of
me, and how is it all to end? If I stay here upon the river bed through
the long watches of the night, I am so exhausted that the bitter cold
and damp may make an end of me—for towards sunrise there will be a keen
wind blowing from off the river. If, on the other hand, I climb the
hill side, find shelter in the woods, and sleep in some thicket, I may
escape the cold and have a good night’s rest, but some savage beast may
take advantage of me and devour me.”
In the end he deemed it best to take to the woods, and he found one
upon some high ground not far from the water. There he crept beneath
two shoots of olive that grew from a single stock—the one an ungrafted
sucker, while the other had been grafted. No wind, however squally,
could break through the cover they afforded, nor could the sun’s rays
pierce them, nor the rain get through them, so closely did they grow
into one another. Ulysses crept under these and began to make himself a
bed to lie on, for there was a great litter of dead leaves lying
about—enough to make a covering for two or three men even in hard
winter weather. He was glad enough to see this, so he laid himself down
and heaped the leaves all round him. Then, as one who lives alone in
the country, far from any neighbor, hides a brand as fire-seed in the
ashes to save himself from having to get a light elsewhere, even so did
Ulysses cover himself up with leaves; and Minerva shed a sweet sleep
upon his eyes, closed his eyelids, and made him lose all memories of
his sorrows.
So here Ulysses slept, overcome by sleep and toil; but Minerva went off
to the country and city of the Phaeacians—a people who used to live in
the fair town of Hypereia, near the lawless Cyclopes. Now the Cyclopes
were stronger than they and plundered them, so their king Nausithous
moved them thence and settled them in Scheria, far from all other
people. He surrounded the city with a wall, built houses and temples,
and divided the lands among his people; but he was dead and gone to the
house of Hades, and King Alcinous, whose counsels were inspired of
heaven, was now reigning. To his house, then, did Minerva hie in
furtherance of the return of Ulysses.
She went straight to the beautifully decorated bedroom in which there
slept a girl who was as lovely as a goddess, Nausicaa, daughter to King
Alcinous. Two maid servants were sleeping near her, both very pretty,
one on either side of the doorway, which was closed with well made
folding doors. Minerva took the form of the famous sea captain Dymas’s
daughter, who was a bosom friend of Nausicaa and just her own age;
then, coming up to the girl’s bedside like a breath of wind, she
hovered over her head and said:
“Nausicaa, what can your mother have been about, to have such a lazy
daughter? Here are your clothes all lying in disorder, yet you are
going to be married almost immediately, and should not only be well
dressed yourself, but should find good clothes for those who attend
you. This is the way to get yourself a good name, and to make your
father and mother proud of you. Suppose, then, that we make tomorrow a
washing day, and start at daybreak. I will come and help you so that
you may have everything ready as soon as possible, for all the best
young men among your own people are courting you, and you are not going
to remain a maid much longer. Ask your father, therefore, to have a
waggon and mules ready for us at daybreak, to take the rugs, robes, and
girdles, and you can ride, too, which will be much pleasanter for you
than walking, for the washing-cisterns are some way from the town.”
When she had said this Minerva went away to Olympus, which they say is
the everlasting home of the gods. Here no wind beats roughly, and
neither rain nor snow can fall; but it abides in everlasting sunshine
and in a great peacefulness of light, wherein the blessed gods are
illumined for ever and ever. This was the place to which the goddess
went when she had given instructions to the girl.
By and by morning came and woke Nausicaa, who began wondering about her
dream; she therefore went to the other end of the house to tell her
father and mother all about it, and found them in their own room. Her
mother was sitting by the fireside spinning her purple yarn with her
maids around her, and she happened to catch her father just as he was
going out to attend a meeting of the town council, which the Phaeacian
aldermen had convened. She stopped him and said:
“Papa dear, could you manage to let me have a good big waggon? I want
to take all our dirty clothes to the river and wash them. You are the
chief man here, so it is only right that you should have a clean shirt
when you attend meetings of the council. Moreover, you have five sons
at home, two of them married, while the other three are good looking
bachelors; you know they always like to have clean linen when they go
to a dance, and I have been thinking about all this.”
She did not say a word about her own wedding, for she did not like to,
but her father knew and said, “You shall have the mules, my love, and
whatever else you have a mind for. Be off with you, and the men shall
get you a good strong waggon with a body to it that will hold all your
On this he gave his orders to the servants, who got the waggon out,
harnessed the mules, and put them to, while the girl brought the
clothes down from the linen room and placed them on the waggon. Her
mother prepared her a basket of provisions with all sorts of good
things, and a goat skin full of wine; the girl now got into the waggon,
and her mother gave her also a golden cruse of oil, that she and her
women might anoint themselves. Then she took the whip and reins and
lashed the mules on, whereon they set off, and their hoofs clattered on
the road. They pulled without flagging, and carried not only Nausicaa
and her wash of clothes, but the maids also who were with her.
When they reached the water side they went to the washing cisterns,
through which there ran at all times enough pure water to wash any
quantity of linen, no matter how dirty. Here they unharnessed the mules
and turned them out to feed on the sweet juicy herbage that grew by the
water side. They took the clothes out of the waggon, put them in the
water, and vied with one another in treading them in the pits to get
the dirt out. After they had washed them and got them quite clean, they
laid them out by the sea side, where the waves had raised a high beach
of shingle, and set about washing themselves and anointing themselves
with olive oil. Then they got their dinner by the side of the stream,
and waited for the sun to finish drying the clothes. When they had done
dinner they threw off the veils that covered their heads and began to
play at ball, while Nausicaa sang for them. As the huntress Diana goes
forth upon the mountains of Taygetus or Erymanthus to hunt wild boars
or deer, and the wood nymphs, daughters of Aegis-bearing Jove, take
their sport along with her (then is Leto proud at seeing her daughter
stand a full head taller than the others, and eclipse the loveliest
amid a whole bevy of beauties), even so did the girl outshine her
When it was time for them to start home, and they were folding the
clothes and putting them into the waggon, Minerva began to consider how
Ulysses should wake up and see the handsome girl who was to conduct him
to the city of the Phaeacians. The girl, therefore, threw a ball at one
of the maids, which missed her and fell into deep water. On this they
all shouted, and the noise they made woke Ulysses, who sat up in his
bed of leaves and began to wonder what it might all be.
“Alas,” said he to himself, “what kind of people have I come amongst?
Are they cruel, savage, and uncivilised, or hospitable and humane? I
seem to hear the voices of young women, and they sound like those of
the nymphs that haunt mountain tops, or springs of rivers and meadows
of green grass. At any rate I am among a race of men and women. Let me
try if I cannot manage to get a look at them.”
As he said this he crept from under his bush, and broke off a bough
covered with thick leaves to hide his nakedness. He looked like some
lion of the wilderness that stalks about exulting in his strength and
defying both wind and rain; his eyes glare as he prowls in quest of
oxen, sheep, or deer, for he is famished, and will dare break even into
a well fenced homestead, trying to get at the sheep—even such did
Ulysses seem to the young women, as he drew near to them all naked as
he was, for he was in great want. On seeing one so unkempt and so
begrimed with salt water, the others scampered off along the spits that
jutted out into the sea, but the daughter of Alcinous stood firm, for
Minerva put courage into her heart and took away all fear from her. She
stood right in front of Ulysses, and he doubted whether he should go up
to her, throw himself at her feet, and embrace her knees as a
suppliant, or stay where he was and entreat her to give him some
clothes and show him the way to the town. In the end he deemed it best
to entreat her from a distance in case the girl should take offence at
his coming near enough to clasp her knees, so he addressed her in
honeyed and persuasive language.
“O queen,” he said, “I implore your aid—but tell me, are you a goddess
or are you a mortal woman? If you are a goddess and dwell in heaven, I
can only conjecture that you are Jove’s daughter Diana, for your face
and figure resemble none but hers; if on the other hand you are a
mortal and live on earth, thrice happy are your father and
mother—thrice happy, too, are your brothers and sisters; how proud and
delighted they must feel when they see so fair a scion as yourself
going out to a dance; most happy, however, of all will he be whose
wedding gifts have been the richest, and who takes you to his own home.
I never yet saw any one so beautiful, neither man nor woman, and am
lost in admiration as I behold you. I can only compare you to a young
palm tree which I saw when I was at Delos growing near the altar of
Apollo—for I was there, too, with much people after me, when I was on
that journey which has been the source of all my troubles. Never yet
did such a young plant shoot out of the ground as that was, and I
admired and wondered at it exactly as I now admire and wonder at
yourself. I dare not clasp your knees, but I am in great distress;
yesterday made the twentieth day that I had been tossing about upon the
sea. The winds and waves have taken me all the way from the Ogygian
island,55 and now fate has flung me upon this coast that I may endure
still further suffering; for I do not think that I have yet come to the
end of it, but rather that heaven has still much evil in store for me.
“And now, O queen, have pity upon me, for you are the first person I
have met, and I know no one else in this country. Show me the way to
your town, and let me have anything that you may have brought hither to
wrap your clothes in. May heaven grant you in all things your heart’s
desire—husband, house, and a happy, peaceful home; for there is nothing
better in this world than that man and wife should be of one mind in a
house. It discomfits their enemies, makes the hearts of their friends
glad, and they themselves know more about it than any one.”
To this Nausicaa answered, “Stranger, you appear to be a sensible,
well-disposed person. There is no accounting for luck; Jove gives
prosperity to rich and poor just as he chooses, so you must take what
he has seen fit to send you, and make the best of it. Now, however,
that you have come to this our country, you shall not want for clothes
nor for anything else that a foreigner in distress may reasonably look
for. I will show you the way to the town, and will tell you the name of
our people; we are called Phaeacians, and I am daughter to Alcinous, in
whom the whole power of the state is vested.”
Then she called her maids and said, “Stay where you are, you girls. Can
you not see a man without running away from him? Do you take him for a
robber or a murderer? Neither he nor any one else can come here to do
us Phaeacians any harm, for we are dear to the gods, and live apart on
a land’s end that juts into the sounding sea, and have nothing to do
with any other people. This is only some poor man who has lost his way,
and we must be kind to him, for strangers and foreigners in distress
are under Jove’s protection, and will take what they can get and be
thankful; so, girls, give the poor fellow something to eat and drink,
and wash him in the stream at some place that is sheltered from the
On this the maids left off running away and began calling one another
back. They made Ulysses sit down in the shelter as Nausicaa had told
them, and brought him a shirt and cloak. They also brought him the
little golden cruse of oil, and told him to go and wash in the stream.
But Ulysses said, “Young women, please to stand a little on one side
that I may wash the brine from my shoulders and anoint myself with oil,
for it is long enough since my skin has had a drop of oil upon it. I
cannot wash as long as you all keep standing there. I am ashamed to
strip56 before a number of good looking young women.”
Then they stood on one side and went to tell the girl, while Ulysses
washed himself in the stream and scrubbed the brine from his back and
from his broad shoulders. When he had thoroughly washed himself, and
had got the brine out of his hair, he anointed himself with oil, and
put on the clothes which the girl had given him; Minerva then made him
look taller and stronger than before, she also made the hair grow thick
on the top of his head, and flow down in curls like hyacinth blossoms;
she glorified him about the head and shoulders as a skilful workman who
has studied art of all kinds under Vulcan and Minerva enriches a piece
of silver plate by gilding it—and his work is full of beauty. Then he
went and sat down a little way off upon the beach, looking quite young
and handsome, and the girl gazed on him with admiration; then she said
to her maids:
“Hush, my dears, for I want to say something. I believe the gods who
live in heaven have sent this man to the Phaeacians. When I first saw
him I thought him plain, but now his appearance is like that of the
gods who dwell in heaven. I should like my future husband to be just
such another as he is, if he would only stay here and not want to go
away. However, give him something to eat and drink.”
They did as they were told, and set food before Ulysses, who ate and
drank ravenously, for it was long since he had had food of any kind.
Meanwhile, Nausicaa bethought her of another matter. She got the linen
folded and placed in the waggon, she then yoked the mules, and, as she
took her seat, she called Ulysses:
“Stranger,” said she, “rise and let us be going back to the town; I
will introduce you at the house of my excellent father, where I can
tell you that you will meet all the best people among the Phaeacians.
But be sure and do as I bid you, for you seem to be a sensible person.
As long as we are going past the fields and farm lands, follow briskly
behind the waggon along with the maids and I will lead the way myself.
Presently, however, we shall come to the town, where you will find a
high wall running all round it, and a good harbour on either side with
a narrow entrance into the city, and the ships will be drawn up by the
road side, for every one has a place where his own ship can lie. You
will see the market place with a temple of Neptune in the middle of it,
and paved with large stones bedded in the earth. Here people deal in
ship’s gear of all kinds, such as cables and sails, and here, too, are
the places where oars are made, for the Phaeacians are not a nation of
archers; they know nothing about bows and arrows, but are a sea-faring
folk, and pride themselves on their masts, oars, and ships, with which
they travel far over the sea.
“I am afraid of the gossip and scandal that may be set on foot against
me later on; for the people here are very ill-natured, and some low
fellow, if he met us, might say, ‘Who is this fine-looking stranger
that is going about with Nausicaa? Where did she find him? I suppose
she is going to marry him. Perhaps he is a vagabond sailor whom she has
taken from some foreign vessel, for we have no neighbours; or some god
has at last come down from heaven in answer to her prayers, and she is
going to live with him all the rest of her life. It would be a good
thing if she would take herself off and find a husband somewhere else,
for she will not look at one of the many excellent young Phaeacians who
are in love with her.’ This is the kind of disparaging remark that
would be made about me, and I could not complain, for I should myself
be scandalised at seeing any other girl do the like, and go about with
men in spite of everybody, while her father and mother were still
alive, and without having been married in the face of all the world.
“If, therefore, you want my father to give you an escort and to help
you home, do as I bid you; you will see a beautiful grove of poplars by
the road side dedicated to Minerva; it has a well in it and a meadow
all round it. Here my father has a field of rich garden ground, about
as far from the town as a man’s voice will carry. Sit down there and
wait for a while till the rest of us can get into the town and reach my
father’s house. Then, when you think we must have done this, come into
the town and ask the way to the house of my father Alcinous. You will
have no difficulty in finding it; any child will point it out to you,
for no one else in the whole town has anything like such a fine house
as he has. When you have got past the gates and through the outer
court, go right across the inner court till you come to my mother. You
will find her sitting by the fire and spinning her purple wool by
firelight. It is a fine sight to see her as she leans back against one
of the bearing-posts with her maids all ranged behind her. Close to her
seat stands that of my father, on which he sits and topes like an
immortal god. Never mind him, but go up to my mother, and lay your
hands upon her knees if you would get home quickly. If you can gain her
over, you may hope to see your own country again, no matter how distant
it may be.”
So saying she lashed the mules with her whip and they left the river.
The mules drew well, and their hoofs went up and down upon the road.
She was careful not to go too fast for Ulysses and the maids who were
following on foot along with the waggon, so she plied her whip with
judgement. As the sun was going down they came to the sacred grove of
Minerva, and there Ulysses sat down and prayed to the mighty daughter
of Jove.
“Hear me,” he cried, “daughter of Aegis-bearing Jove, unweariable, hear
me now, for you gave no heed to my prayers when Neptune was wrecking
me. Now, therefore, have pity upon me and grant that I may find friends
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Çirattagı - The Odyssey - 07
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- The Odyssey - 01Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5064Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 133549.7 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.68.3 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.76.1 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 02Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5438Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 113859.5 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.76.3 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.81.6 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 03Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5301Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 119457.0 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.72.3 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.80.1 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 04Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5434Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 122355.8 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.73.3 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.80.1 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 05Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5388Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 124055.6 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.71.8 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.79.0 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 06Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5491Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 121156.2 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.74.2 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.80.6 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 07Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5297Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 124955.3 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.72.6 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.80.3 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 08Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5367Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 128853.9 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.72.4 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.80.9 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 09Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5579Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 120954.3 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.72.8 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.80.3 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 10Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5553Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 113757.3 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.72.7 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.79.8 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 11Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5480Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 130053.6 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.70.7 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.77.3 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 12Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5447Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 124653.4 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.71.2 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.79.1 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 13Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5467Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 123856.6 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.73.2 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.81.5 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 14Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5435Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 115459.0 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.74.5 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.81.8 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 15Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5459Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 113859.9 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.76.5 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.82.9 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 16Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5406Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 111860.0 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.74.5 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.81.9 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 17Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5359Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 113059.7 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.75.8 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.82.8 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 18Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5399Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 124256.0 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.72.6 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.80.6 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 19Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5353Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 121256.1 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.72.6 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.79.8 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 20Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5400Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 113056.4 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.75.4 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.81.8 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 21Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5310Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 109060.3 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.76.4 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.82.1 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 22Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 5410Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 124753.4 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.72.2 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.79.2 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 23Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 4900Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 137248.5 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.65.5 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.73.4 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 24Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 4758Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 125647.1 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.65.2 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.72.8 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.
- The Odyssey - 25Härber sızık iñ yış oçrıy torgan 1000 süzlärneñ protsentnı kürsätä.Süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 1114Unikal süzlärneñ gomumi sanı 47762.6 süzlär 2000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.76.6 süzlär 5000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.83.3 süzlär 8000 iñ yış oçrıy torgan süzlärgä kerä.