'flush'in İngilizce dilindeki literatür örnekleri

...r tea and toast untouched, but sat with her usual pretty primness, only showing her emotion by that flush in the cheeks and brightness in the eyes which give an old woman a touching momentary identity with...

” cried the child, with a sudden flush of amusement.

” It had dropped the next thing; it couldn't all come at once; but Maggie had already guessed what it was, and the flush of recognition was in her face.

” said Maggie, the pleasure returning in a deeper flush.

...of the hands, and momentary meeting of the eyes, which will often leave a little lady with a slight flush and smile on her face that do not subside immediately when the door is closed, and with an inclinat...

There was a new brightness in her eyes, and a very becoming flush on her cheek, as she seated herself.

” Stephen had fallen by mistake into his habit of playful appeal to Maggie, and she could not repress the answering flush and epigram.

” Philip's heart was beating rapidly, and a transient flush passed over his face like a gleam.

...ought on a drowsy longing for perfect rest, and she laid down her head, looking at the faint, dying flush in the west, where the one golden lamp was getting brighter and brighter.

” said poor Maggie, with a flush and tremor that no presence could have hindered.

” A deep flush came over Maggie's face, and she couldn't speak.

” Again a deep flush came over Maggie's face, and she was silent.