Litteraturexempel på 'ships' på Engelska språk
Sweet lady, you have given me life and living; For here I read for certain that my ships Are safely come to road.
...ious fight, with Grecian blood embrued: I saw him when, like Jove, his flames he toss'd On thousand ships, and wither'd half a host: I saw, but help'd not: stern Achilles' ire Forbade assistance, and enjoy...
My ships are ready, and My people did expect my hence departure Two days ago.
Behind the tuft of pines I met them, never Saw I men scour so on their way: I ey'd them Even to their ships.
Are they not now upon the western shore, Safe-conducting the rebels from their ships?
"In the times when they were forced to transport heavy timbers for the construction of ships, if it hadn't been for the clerics--" "Those times are far away," answered Simoun, with a laugh eve...
Meantime, secure within thy ships, from far Behold the field, not mingle in the war.
Far on the beach they haul their bark to land, (The crooked keel divides the yellow sand,) Then part, where stretch'd along the winding bay, The ships and tents in mingled prospect lay.
Then he assembles the whole host, and upon moving for a return to Greece, they unanimously agree to it, and run to prepare the ships.
[81] So, from the tents and ships, a lengthen'd train Spreads all the beach, and wide o'ershades the plain: Along the region runs a deafening sound; Beneath their footsteps groans the trembling ground.
The gathering murmur spreads, their trampling feet Beat the loose sands, and thicken to the fleet; With long-resounding cries they urge the train To fit the ships, and launch into the main.
” Pallas obeys, and from Olympus' height Swift to the ships precipitates her flight.
Back to the assembly roll the thronging train, Desert the ships, and pour upon the plain.
” He said: the shores with loud applauses sound, The hollow ships each deafening shout rebound.
Who dares, inglorious, in his ships to stay, Who dares to tremble on this signal day; That wretch, too mean to fall by martial power, The birds shall mangle, and the dogs devour.
Full fifty ships they send, and each conveys Twice sixty warriors through the foaming seas.
Twice twenty ships transport the warlike bands, Which bold Elphenor, fierce in arms, commands.
With these appear the Salaminian bands, Whom the gigantic Telamon commands; In twelve black ships to Troy they steer their course, And with the great Athenians join their force.
These, o'er the bending ocean, Helen's cause, In sixty ships with Menelaus draws: Eager and loud from man to man he flies, Revenge and fury flaming in his eyes;...
Their ships, supplied by Agamemnon's care, Through roaring seas the wondering warriors bear; The first to battle on the appointed plain, But new to all the dangers of the main.
Three ships with Nireus sought the Trojan shore, Nireus, whom Agäle to Charopus bore, Nireus, in faultless shap...
Full fifty ships beneath Achilles' care, The Achaians, Myrmidons, Hellenians bear; Thessalians all, though various in their name; The same their nation, and their chief the same.
...istant dens the shaggy Centaurs fled) With Polypœtes join'd in equal sway Leonteus leads, and forty ships obey.
In former days, in all thy gallant pride, When thy tall ships triumphant stemm'd the tide, When Greece beheld thy painted canvas flow, And crowds stood wondering...
Too early expert in the martial toil, In sable ships they left their native soil, To avenge Atrides: now, untimely slain, They fell with glory on the Phrygian plain.
Troy felt his arm, and yon proud ramparts stand Raised on the ruins of his vengeful hand: With six small ships, and but a slender train, He left the town a wide-deserted plain.