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zozoI definitionerEngelskaBaskiska
1. idiot, fool
2. [ izenen aurrean ] bazuen mutilak ~-aire bat the boy has a foolish air to him
1. ( p. ) foolish, dumb, stupid, inane, vapid; aita bezain ~a da semea the son is as dumb as his father
2. ( ideia, e.a. ) foolish; haren burutapena ~ak his foolish notions; egia ~ak platitudes; ~ak ez ziren arrazoiak the reasons aren't {inane || foolish}
ontziI definitionerEngelskaBaskiska
1. Nautical
a. ship, boat;~ an ibili to sail a ship | to sail on a ship; ~ko liburu ship's log; ~ uretaratu to launch a ship
b. [ izenen aurrean ] boat ...; ~ txartel boat ticket
2. ship; aire-~ air ship, espazi~ spaceship
nabigazioI definitionerEngelskaBaskiska
1. navigation; aire-~ air navigation; merkataritza-~ merchant marine
2. ( trebetasunari d. ) navigation, seamanship
martxoI definitionerEngelskaBaskiska
1. ( hil ) March Oharra: ikus adibideak urtarril sarreran
2. (atsot.) martxoa eurite, urtea ogite March rains usher in a year of plenty (of wheat); Martxoan aire gorri, goizoro elurberri March air is crisp, every morning with freshly fallen snow
lineaI definitionerEngelskaBaskiska
1. ( lerroa ) line
2. aire~ airline
korronteI definitionerEngelskaBaskiska
a. ( urarena) current; itsas ~\~ ocean current
b. current; aire ~ current
c. (esa.) ~z kontra against the current
2. Ele. current; ~ alterno alternate current; ~ zuzen direct current
3. (irud.) current, movement; literatur ~ literary current
itokaI definitionerEngelskaBaskiska
1. ( erabat lasterka ) rushing, hurriedly, hastily, in a dash; ~ jan zuen he wolfed it down; zergatik zoaz horren ~? why are you going in such a big hurry?; arretaz egina, ez ~ eta arinka painstakingly done, not hastily and frivolously done
2. ( itotzeko eran ) ~ oro irriz choking with laughter
3. (Northern Basque Country); ( guztiz ugari ) flooding in, streaming in; aire eta argia ~ ziren air and light flooded in
histuI definitionerEngelskaBaskiska
1. to fade, cause to fade 
2. ( ahuldu ) to diminish, weaken
3. ( desagertarazi ) to dissipate, diminish, fade, cause to disappear; denborak ~ dituen aztarnak traces dissipated by time; amets ~ bat a vanished dream
verb which takes "da"; [ hits, histen, histuko ]
1. ( hits bihurtu ) to fade, go {dim || pale}, dull; kolore bizienak eta minenak histen dira aire handian the brightest, most brilliant colours grow dull in the open air
2. ( bizitasuna galdu )
a. ( argia ) to grow dim; eguzkiaren argia ~ zen the sun's light grew dim
b. ( edaria ) to go flat
c. to grow dull, dull, lose one's vitality; lore sortu orduko ~ baten pare similar to a cluster of flowers which lose their vitality as soon as they bloom 
3. ( haizatu, desagertu ) to vanish, disappear 
4. ( goibeldu, tristatu ) to go dim, turn dull, grow sad; eguraldia ~ da the weather has turned dull; nire zoriona hits ez dakidan so that my dream might not grow dull on me
hegaldatuI definitionerEngelskaBaskiska
1. to fly; arranoa zerura ~ zen the eagle flew up into the sky; goregi hegaltzen bada if it flies too high
2. (irud.) teilak airez aire hegaldatzen zirela with tiles flying through the air; gazterik ~ zen mundu honetatik he winged his way from this world when he was young
egokituI definitionerEngelskaBaskiska
a. Technology; to adjust, regulate
b. ( aire ) to condition
a. ( helburu baterako egoki egin ) to adapt; euskara gaurko mundura egokitzen ari dira Basque is being adapted to the modern world; geuk ere jarrerak eta hitzak ~ beharko ditugu egoera berrira a we too will have to suit our positions and words to the new situation
b. ( ideia, e.a. ) to adapt, adjust, suit
c. ( arau, lege, e.a. ) to modify, adapt
d. ( lan, eleberria, e.a. ) to adapt; eleberria zinemara ~ zuten the novel was adapted to the screen
e. ( gertu ) to prepare, make ready
3. ( bi alde, e.a. ) to reconcile
4. ( ezarri ) to stick, place, put; Jaunak munduko lekurik hoberenean ~ zituen the Lord stuck them in the best place in the world
5. ( eman ) to grant, give; Elizak egokitzen dizkigun barkamenak absolutions which the Church grants us
verb which takes "da";
a. to come to be; Americal Division deritzana ~ zitzaion horri Vietnamen zegoenean he came to be in the Americal Division when he was in Vietnam; horregatik gizon handi askoren artean egotea ~ zitzaion that's how he came to be rub shoulders with many great men
b. to win; loteria ~ zitzaion she won the lottery
2. ( egokiena ); [ zaio ] to have occasion, happen to; Ama ikustea ~ zait I happened to see Mother 
3. ( topatu ) to run into, come across; bidean Amarekin ~ naiz | Ama bidean ~ zait I came across Mother in the street
4. (f inkatu ) to settle down, establish o.s.; hiri hartan ~ zen he settled down in that town
5. (Gram.)
a. to agree; hitz hauek dira egokitzen these words don't agree
b. ( parekatu) to match; kolore horiek ez dira egokitzen those colours don't match | those colours don't go well together
6. ( bat etorri ) to correspond, be compatible; biziera eta haziera ez dira egokitzen your lifestyle isn't compatible with your upbringing
7. ( arropa ) to fit; soineko hori egokitzen zaio that dress fits her
8. ( gertatu ) to befall Literature; , happen to; hilkor guztiei egokitzen zaie heriotza death befalls all mortals
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