Примеры слова 'foremost' в литературе - Английский язык

...is forbidden, consents Shelter my own weakness under these great reputations Short of the foremost, but before the last Should first have mended their breeches Silence, therefore, and mode...

Crisparkle, Minor Canon, fair and rosy, and perpetually pitching himself head-foremost into all the deep running water in the surrounding country; Mr.

Even your brother and your sister are with the foremost to be reconciled to you.

...y father was at Epsom,——being moreover my mother's first child,—coming into the world with his head foremost,—and turning out afterwards a lad of wonderful slow parts,——my father spelt all these together into...

...the children which have been, may, can, shall, will, or ought to be begotten, come with their heads foremost into the world:——but believe me, dear Toby, the accidents which unavoidably way-lay them, not only ...

Figures stepped singly and in pairs through the doors—all walking awkwardly, and abashed, save the foremost, who wore a red jacket, and advanced with his hands in his pockets, whistling.

Even as he did so, he reeled, put his hand to his throat, stood swaying for a moment, and then, with a peculiar sound, fell from his whole height face foremost to the floor.

It struck poor Tom, point foremost, and with stunning violence, right between the shoulders in the middle of his back.

And therewith they let their horses run, and Sir Percivale smote the foremost to the earth, and took his horse, and mounted thereupon, and the same did Galahad.

Though Sophia came head foremost to the ground, she happily received not the least damage: and the same circumstances which had perh...

... in the Prerogative cases, to consider, if the money in question had been left to me, what were the foremost steps I should immediately have taken in regard to Dora.