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Kirjallisuusesimerkkejä 'their art':sta Englanti-kielellä

I do not attack them; ‘tis their art I inveigh against, and do not much blame them for making their advantage of our folly, for most men do the same.

...ny and Celsus if these ever fall into your hands, you will find that they speak much more rudely of their art than I do; I but pinch it, they cut its throat.

...cious time lost, which could never be regained, and that my case had now passed beyond the reach of their art.

They had an invariable topic, in their art.

...grievous neglect, I do here make humbly bold to present them with a short account of themselves and their art, by looking into the original and pedigree of the word, as it is generally understood among us, and...

And as this creation itself is poetry, so its creators were poets; and language was the instrument of their art: 'Galeotto fu il libro, e chi lo scrisse.

Remove that mist which dims the intellects of mortals, and causes them to adore men for their art, or to detest them for their cunning, in deceiving others, when they are, in reality, the objects o...

Doubtful it stood; As two spent swimmers that do cling together And choke their art.

...f [--Greek--] Difficulty is a coin the learned make use of, like jugglers, to conceal the vanity of their art, and which human sottishness easily takes for current pay.

”--Coste] It was a good rule in their art, and that accompanies all other vain, fantastic, and supernatural arts, that the patient's belief s...

But with the true professional hatred to a successful practitioner of their art, they insinuated that, since the medicine was beyond their own knowledge, it must necessarily have ...