
Altynjan hatyn - 52

Total number of words is 989
Total number of unique words is 602
33.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
44.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
50.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
Halyf Hersemä ýigrimi müň atly berdi. Herseme leşgeri bilen Hemedana ýeteninde Aly Isaga habar
gönderdi, özüniň goldaw bermek üçin ugradylandygyny aýtdy.
Aly Isa özüne «kömek» bermek üçin gelýän Hersemi garşylady, ikisi hem biri-birini hormatlady. Tä bir
depäniň ýanyna ýetýänçäler uýan deňläp ýörediler. Şol ýerde Aly Isa uýanyny çekip, Hemsemä aýtdy:
«Öňden ýöre!» Hemseme oňa: «Emir men däl, sen! Meni saňa kömek etmek üçin iberdiler. Şonuň üçinem
sen öňden ýöre!» diýdi.
Aly Isa bu sözden ýüregi gylawlandy. Onsoň Merwe gitdiler. Herseme Aly Isanyň köşgünde düşledi,
amatly pursat dörände ony tussag etdi, oňa halyfyň işden boşadyş permanyny görkezdi. Soňra juma
metjidine baryp, özüniň emir bellenendigi baradaky permany köpçülige okap berdi.
Ýigriminji hekaýat
1. «Şanamanyň» watany – Sistan ülkesi. Sistan – sak sözkökündendir. Bu ülke saklaryň –
türkmenleriň ýaşan ülkesidir. (Raýewskiý).
Ýigrimi ikinji hekaýat
1. Rafyzy mezhebi – sünni mezhebinden çykyp, şaýy mezhebini kabul eden musulman.
2. Ýedi yklym – gadymy döwürde ýer ýüzüniň ýurtlaryny ýedi bölege – yklyma bölüpdirler. 1.
Hiduwan; 2. Arap we Hebeşistan; 3. Müsür we Şam; 4. Eýranşähr; 5. Saklab (slawýan), Rum; 6. Türk we
Ýajuç; 7. Çyn we Maçyn.
3. Alhamdulilla – Hudaýa şükür.
Ýigrimi üçünji hekaýat
1. Abu-l-Aswar Şawur I (1022/1049 – 1067) – Şatdat şalygynyň Genje emirliginiň emiri.
2. Senjap – tilkiden kiçiräk bolan ýyrtyjy haýwan.
3. Sparetra – Merwli sak patyşasy Amorganyň aýaly. Miladydan öň 539-njy ýylda Kir patyşa
Amorgany ýesir alýar. Şonda Amorganyň hatyny Sparetra goşuna baş bolup, Kiriň üstüne hüjüm edýär.
Gazaply söweşde Sparetra Kiri ýeňýär we adamsy sak şasy Amorgany halas edýär.
Ýigrimi dördünji hekaýat
1. Batman – ýigrimi kilogram töweregindäki agyrlyk ölçegi.
2. Gurhan. Ikinji süräniň 223-nji aýaty.
3. Batyn – içki ruhy dünýä.
4. Pettan – göwni özüne çekiji, ýakymly.
5. Sarsar – elhenç sesli güýçli ýel; nesim – bahar pasly säher bilen öwüsýän janperwer şemal.
6. Halyfyň ýedi don geýdirmegi – bu halyfyň: «Sen ýedi yklymyň soltany bolduň» diýen ykraryýetini
7. Kundurynyň bu pelsepesi hakda Abu Sagyt Abdylkerim Samgany Merweziniň on iki jiltden ybarat
bolan «Şejere kitabynda» maglumat berilýär.
8. Aznawur – 1. Begzada. 2. Ot ýaly, daýaw.
9. Konstantin X Dukas (1059 – 1067 ý.) – Wizantiýanyň kaýsary.
10. Ibn Esir. Kämil taryh. TMMMM. 1-nji jilt. A., 2005.
1. Komnenler – Wizantiýa imperatorlygynyň nesilşalygy (1057 – 1204 ý.) Köne edebi çeşmelerde
Wizantiýa sözüne derek Rumustan, Rum sözleri ulanylýar. Munuň özi ýalňyşdyr. Sebäbi 395-nji ýylda Rim
(Rum) imperiýasy synyp, Günbatar we Gündogar böleklere bölünýär. Gündogar Rim (Rum) imperiýasy –
bu Wizantiýa imperiýasydyr. Bu at imperiýanyň paýtagtynyň ady bilen baglanyşyklydyr. Gündogar Rim
imperiýasynyň paýtagty Wizantiýa şäheridir. Şäheriň ady soň üýtgedilip, Konstantinopol diýlip
atlandyrylýar. Bu şäher häzirki Stambul şäheridir. Bu ýurtda hanedanlyk dildüwşükler, başga bir güýçli
toparyň döremegi sebäpli uzak şalyk etmeýär, üýtgäp durýar.
Biziň söhbedini edýän döwrümizde Wizantiýada Makedonlylar nesilşalygy (867 – 1028 ý.) Konstantin
VIII-iň wepaty bilen gutarýar. Sebäbi onuň ogul perzendi bolmaýar. Şondan soňky imperatorlar Roman III
Argir (1028 – 1034 ý), Mihail IV Paflaton (1003 – 1041 ý.), Mihail V Kalafat (1041 – 1042 ý.), şeýle hem
Konstantin IX – dördüsem Konstantin VIII-iň gyzy Zoýanyň ärleridir.
Şa gyzynyň durmuşa çykan ärleri uzak ýaşaman, dürli sebäplere görä wepat edýär. Syçew Nikolaý.
Kniga dinastiý. (Istoriçeskaýa biblioteka). Wostok – Zapad». M. 2005.
2. Ýewdokiýa – Wizantiýanyň 1058-nji ýylyň noýabr aýynda tagta çykan imperatory Konstantin Dukas
X-nyň hatyny. 1067-nji ýylda adamsy aradan çykansoň, tagta geçýär. Ýöne bu jogapkärli wezipäni başaryp
bilmeýär. Ýurtda bulagaýlyklar artyp ugraýar. Şonuň üçin ol görnükli serkerdebaşy Roman Diogene (1068 –
1071 ý.) durmuşa çykyp, ýurdy dolandyrmagy oňa tabşyrýar. Ýurdy parahat saklamak Roman Diogene-de
başartmaýar. 1071-nji ýylda Malazgirt söweşinde ol Çagry begiň ogly Alparslana ýesir düşýär.
3. Ibn Esir. Kämil taryh. TMMMM. 1-nji jilt. A., 2005.
920 – 960-njy ýyllar – seljuklylar yslamy kabul edýärler.
991-nji ýyl. Dawut Çagry beg dünýä indi.
993-nji ýyl. Muhammet Togrul beg dünýä indi.
998-nji ýyl. Soltan Mahmyt Gaznaly tagta geçýär.
1011-nji milady – 403-nji hijri ýyly. Seljuk beg 107 ýaşda aradan çykýar. Ibn Kesir Seljuk begiň
wepat bolan ýylyny 401-nji hijri ýyly – (miladynyň 1010-njy ýyly) diýip görkezýär.
1016 – 1021-nji ýyllar. Çagry beg bäş müň adamly goşun bilen Rum serhetlerinde bolýar.
1017 (407)-nji ýyl. Soltan Mahmyt Gaznaly Köneürgenji basyp alýar we ülkäni özüne tabyn edýär, ülkä öz
hajyby Altyndaşy hökümdar belleýär. Şeýle hem soltan Mahmyt Gaznaly şol ýörişinde uly şäherler Samarkandy
we Buharany özüne birleşdirýär.
1017-nji ýyl. Altynjan dünýä inýär.
1025-nji ýyl. Soltan Mahmyt Mawerannahra – Samarkanda gelýär. Şonda seljuk ýabgusy Ysraýyl
Arslan hany görme-görşe çagyrýar we ony tussag edýär, Hindistandaky Kelejar diýen gala ugradýar.
– Mahmyt Gaznaly Arslan ýabguny ogly Gutulmyş we ýüz elli ýigidi bilen bilelikde Hindistanyň
Kelejar diýen galasynda agöýli saklaýar.
1025 – 1028-nji ýyllar. Seljuk begiň ogly Ýusup Ynanç (ynal) Seljuk jemagatyna ýabgulyk edýär.
1028 – 1032-nji ýyllar. Seljuk begiň ogly Musa Kelan Ýabgu Seljuk jemagatyna ýabgulyk edýär.
1029-njy milady – 420-nji hijri ýyly. Alparslan dünýä inýär.
1032-nji ýyl. Ysraýyl ýabgu aradan çykýar.
1034-nji ýyl. Jendiň emiri Şamälik Horezminde gije gapyllykda Togrul begiň sekiz müňe golaý
esgerini öldürýär.
– Togrul beg Altynjana öýlenýär.
1035-nji ýylyň aprel aýy – soltan Masudyň Begdogdynyň salarlygyndaky goşuny Nusaýda
seljuklylaryň üç müňlük atly goşunyndan masgara bolup ýeňilýär.
1035-nji ýylyň iýun aýy. Nusaýda seljuk-gaznaly söweşi bolýar. Onda seljuklylar uly ýeňiş
1037-nji ýylyň 22-nji apreli – Seljuklylar Merwi eýeleýärler.
1038-nji ýyl. Seljuklylar Sarahsyň ýakynynda gaznalylary ýeňýärler. Şol ýeňişden soň, öz
hökümdarlygyny yglan edýärler. Bu ýyl seljuk döwletiniň düýbüniň tutulan ýyly hasap edilýär. Sarahs
söweşinde «gylyç ýa kepen» däbine eýerilýär.
1039-njy ýyl. Alyabat söweşi.
– Sarahs söweşi.
1040-njy ýylyň 23-nji maýy. Seljuklylar Daňdanakan söweşinde soltan Masut Gaznalyny ýeňýärler.
Seljuklylar 23–24-nji maýda gurultaý geçirip, seljuk döwletiniň dörändigini jar edýärler. Gurultaýda Togrul
beg Horasanyň emiri diýlip yglan edilýär. Şondan köp wagt geçmänkä Togrul beg şa diýlip atlandyrylýar.
Çagry bege gurultaýda mäliklik tituly berilýär.
Şalygyň paýtagty 1043-nji ýylda Nyşapurdan Reý şäherine, 1050-nji ýylda Reýden Yspyhan şäherine
1044-nji ýyl. Alparslan Balhda Gaznaly soltan Mewdudy ýeňýär, bu ýeňiş seljuk serhediniň has
giňemegine esas bolýar.
1049-njy ýyl. Ybraýym ynal Togrul bege garşy baş göterýär. Togrul beg ony ýeňýär, günäsini
1055-nji ýylyňl 17-nji ýanwary. Togrul beg Büweýh döwletini syndyrýar, Bagdady eýeleýär.
1057-nji ýyl. Ybraýym ynal ikinji gezek Togrul bege garşy baş göterýär, Togrul begi Hemedanda ýesir
alýar. Altynjan goşun jemläp, Hemedana barýar we Togrul soltany halas edýär. Bu söweşde Ybraýym ynal
1058-nji ýyl. Apbasy halyfy Kaýym Bemryllah Togrul bege: «Gündogaryň we Günbataryň soltany»
diýen beýik at berdi.
1060-njy ýyl. Çagry beg Sarahsda aradan çykýar, Merwde jaýlanýar. Altynjan Zenjanda aradan çykýar.
Reýde jaýlanýar. Togrul beg aradan çykanda özüni hatyny Altynjanyň ýanynda ja ýlamaklaryny wesýet
1063-nji ýyl. Muhammet Togrul beg aradan çykýar.
Seljuk şalygy 1038 – 1157-nji ýyllar aralygynda dowam edýär. «Beýik» diýen ada mynasyp bolýar.
You have read 1 text from Turkmen literature.
  • Parts
  • Altynjan hatyn - 01
    Total number of words is 3648
    Total number of unique words is 2000
    28.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    41.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    50.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 02
    Total number of words is 3694
    Total number of unique words is 2007
    32.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    46.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 03
    Total number of words is 3775
    Total number of unique words is 2090
    31.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    51.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 04
    Total number of words is 3741
    Total number of unique words is 2097
    33.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    51.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 05
    Total number of words is 3757
    Total number of unique words is 2030
    31.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 06
    Total number of words is 3788
    Total number of unique words is 1939
    34.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    49.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    55.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 07
    Total number of words is 3761
    Total number of unique words is 1978
    31.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    51.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 08
    Total number of words is 3757
    Total number of unique words is 2060
    32.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 09
    Total number of words is 3769
    Total number of unique words is 1948
    32.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    54.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 10
    Total number of words is 3790
    Total number of unique words is 1913
    32.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    46.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 11
    Total number of words is 3807
    Total number of unique words is 1864
    34.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    48.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    54.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 12
    Total number of words is 3626
    Total number of unique words is 2014
    31.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 13
    Total number of words is 3896
    Total number of unique words is 1974
    33.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    55.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 14
    Total number of words is 3786
    Total number of unique words is 1997
    31.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    54.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 15
    Total number of words is 3848
    Total number of unique words is 1911
    33.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 16
    Total number of words is 3768
    Total number of unique words is 1848
    32.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    46.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    54.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 17
    Total number of words is 3742
    Total number of unique words is 2001
    30.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 18
    Total number of words is 3627
    Total number of unique words is 2088
    30.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    51.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 19
    Total number of words is 3715
    Total number of unique words is 2132
    29.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    42.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    51.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 20
    Total number of words is 3622
    Total number of unique words is 1944
    31.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    46.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 21
    Total number of words is 3699
    Total number of unique words is 2012
    32.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 22
    Total number of words is 3781
    Total number of unique words is 2063
    30.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 23
    Total number of words is 3744
    Total number of unique words is 1928
    33.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    46.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    54.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 24
    Total number of words is 3693
    Total number of unique words is 2058
    29.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    43.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    50.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 25
    Total number of words is 3642
    Total number of unique words is 2006
    28.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    43.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    50.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 26
    Total number of words is 3669
    Total number of unique words is 1997
    30.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    43.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    49.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 27
    Total number of words is 3724
    Total number of unique words is 2117
    30.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    51.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 28
    Total number of words is 3798
    Total number of unique words is 2005
    34.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    54.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 29
    Total number of words is 3786
    Total number of unique words is 1913
    33.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    54.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 30
    Total number of words is 3737
    Total number of unique words is 2075
    31.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 31
    Total number of words is 3681
    Total number of unique words is 2111
    28.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    42.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    49.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 32
    Total number of words is 3665
    Total number of unique words is 2127
    29.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    43.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    50.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 33
    Total number of words is 3744
    Total number of unique words is 2047
    32.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 34
    Total number of words is 3708
    Total number of unique words is 2047
    32.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 35
    Total number of words is 3499
    Total number of unique words is 2065
    27.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    38.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    45.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 36
    Total number of words is 3664
    Total number of unique words is 2096
    28.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    40.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    47.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 37
    Total number of words is 3727
    Total number of unique words is 2027
    32.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 38
    Total number of words is 3740
    Total number of unique words is 2020
    31.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 39
    Total number of words is 3810
    Total number of unique words is 1976
    31.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    51.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 40
    Total number of words is 3688
    Total number of unique words is 2131
    31.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 41
    Total number of words is 3809
    Total number of unique words is 2013
    32.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    46.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    54.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 42
    Total number of words is 3753
    Total number of unique words is 2010
    32.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    46.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 43
    Total number of words is 3771
    Total number of unique words is 1940
    33.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    55.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 44
    Total number of words is 3722
    Total number of unique words is 1983
    33.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    54.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 45
    Total number of words is 3758
    Total number of unique words is 1815
    34.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    48.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    55.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 46
    Total number of words is 3722
    Total number of unique words is 1893
    33.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    55.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 47
    Total number of words is 3762
    Total number of unique words is 1928
    32.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    54.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 48
    Total number of words is 3693
    Total number of unique words is 1845
    35.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    49.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    56.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 49
    Total number of words is 3635
    Total number of unique words is 1899
    32.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 50
    Total number of words is 3765
    Total number of unique words is 1980
    32.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 51
    Total number of words is 3662
    Total number of unique words is 2084
    29.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    42.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    50.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Altynjan hatyn - 52
    Total number of words is 989
    Total number of unique words is 602
    33.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    50.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.