
Семетей - 29

Total number of words is 409
Total number of unique words is 328
38.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
47.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
56.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
Канчоро капыр ант ургур,
Каныкейдин сүтү ургур,
Ата кыргыз тузу ургур!
Ач албарс жанга идиптир,
Сырнайза колго алыптыр.
Жедигердин Кыйазын,
Баштап келип капкайдан,
Сыр коргонго киргизди,
Арамдыгын билгизди!
Семетейден айрылдык,
Учарга чалгын бизде жок,
Канат сынып кайрылдык.
Мына минтип кайран журт,
Каадасыз итке зарылдык!
Бүрдөгөн терек эл элек,
Шагыбыз бүгүн кубарды.
Ырысты жедик кыргыздар,
Тамыр түптөн кыркылды!
Арстандардан ажырап,
Калама арык кулады,
Суу акпай какшып куурады!
Көпүрөө сынып бүктөлдү,
Чымын жанга күч келди.
Кеттиңби, Талас, өрттөнүп,
Арстан Семей баатырдан,
Айрылдык арман шум жалган
Касиеттүү хан Бакай,
Адамдын эле асылы,
Жок жерден тапкан акылды.
Канкордун эле ардагы,
Артык эле арбагы,
Кыргыздын эле чарбагы.
Арам өлгөн бул доңуз,
Арбактуу эрге катышпай,
Аман койо турарбы?
Өлбөй турса хан Бакай,
Бир арга элге кыларбы?
Каракан кызы Каныкей,
Катындан чыккан уз эле,
Камка тондун тышы эле,
Ак калпак элге эне эле,
Ак олпок тонго жең эле,
Түркүктөй элге бел эле,
Акылдын чыккан кени эле,
Сүт урган көркоо Канчоро,
Эмчегин эмген дээр эле,
Кадырын суттун кыларбы?
Канышты койое турарбы?!
Асманда учса куу эле,
Адамдан чыккан сулуу эле,
Ак шумкардын тууру эле,
Алп Семетей жубу эле,
Адамзаттын нуру эле.
Кудайдын сүйгөн бендеси,
Акун хандын эркеси,
Аламын деп айта албас,
Ал Канчоро эмес теңдеши.
Көрүп жүрсөң эрте-кеч,
Көркү эле кыргыздын,
Чүрөктү койо турарбы?
Же айланып учуп Айчүрөк,
Бир айла элге кыларбы?
Же тууган балам болбосо,
Карап жүрөм кимге - деп,
Калган кыргыз мейли - деп,
Акун хандын шаарына,
Учуп кетип тынарбы?!
Бул түгөнгөн Канчоро,
Каары катуу зор Кыйаз,
Хан Бакайдай карыга,
Кастарлуу Гүлүс эренге,
Каныкейдей энеге,
Кадырлуу Чүрөк жеңеге,
Короолош коңшу болгонду,
Кырып салып тынарбы?
Ак калпак кыргыз бул элди,
Мындай кудай урарбы?!
Ээси жок калып чоң Талас,
Томсоруп топо турарбы?!
Ушунчалык көп элдин,
Төбөңдөн тийген чорого,
Бир куну жетер убалы!»
орукта калган элдердин,
Ушул болду убайы.
Өңүндө кызыл каны жок,
Оорубай туруп мунайды
Кең Таласын ошондо,
Кейпи кетип кубарды!
Сары абамдын байбиче,
Уулбийке энеге,
Өлүп калды журтунда,
Көрө салып Канчоро,
Жарып салды журтуна!
Кестирип кечир кокустан,
Майып болгон окустан,
Арманда калган Гүлчоро,
Далыдан ысык каны акты.
Карды тойбой кара жер,
Шимирип соруп бул жатты.
Кансырап кайран кабылан,
Көөдөндөн чыкпай жан жатты.
Заркырап улуп тоо жели,
Саткынды каргап каар чачты.
Коңур күз болбой жалбырак,
Сабалып түшүп жер жапты!
Гүлчоро башын көтөрдү,
Курс дедире жөтөлдү.
Жаралуу болгон жолборсту,
Кара жер араң көтөрдү.
Коргонго көзүн салса да,
Козголор шайы жетпеди.
Муңканып карап турганда,
Канчоронун иттери,
Капыстан чыга келгени,
Байлап алып кеткени.
Эт жүрөктү эзгени,
Түпкө такыр жеткени
Муну мындай таштайлы,
Семетейдин тукуму,
Сейтектен кепти баштайлы.
Басмага даяардаган :

You have read 1 text from Kyrgyz literature.
  • Parts
  • Семетей - 01
    Total number of words is 4232
    Total number of unique words is 2194
    29.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    42.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    49.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 02
    Total number of words is 4267
    Total number of unique words is 2236
    29.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    43.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    51.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 03
    Total number of words is 4290
    Total number of unique words is 1993
    30.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    43.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    51.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 04
    Total number of words is 4246
    Total number of unique words is 2245
    30.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    43.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    49.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 05
    Total number of words is 4334
    Total number of unique words is 2075
    31.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 06
    Total number of words is 4308
    Total number of unique words is 2152
    29.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    42.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    50.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 07
    Total number of words is 4301
    Total number of unique words is 2207
    27.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    40.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    47.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 08
    Total number of words is 4285
    Total number of unique words is 2282
    26.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    39.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    45.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 09
    Total number of words is 4252
    Total number of unique words is 2219
    28.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    42.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    48.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 10
    Total number of words is 4176
    Total number of unique words is 2230
    30.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    42.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    48.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 11
    Total number of words is 4160
    Total number of unique words is 2197
    28.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    41.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    48.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 12
    Total number of words is 4127
    Total number of unique words is 2220
    31.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    43.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    50.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 13
    Total number of words is 4164
    Total number of unique words is 2300
    29.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    41.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    48.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 14
    Total number of words is 4208
    Total number of unique words is 2288
    31.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 15
    Total number of words is 4151
    Total number of unique words is 2245
    31.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    46.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 16
    Total number of words is 4120
    Total number of unique words is 2184
    30.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    43.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    50.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 17
    Total number of words is 4136
    Total number of unique words is 2269
    30.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    51.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 18
    Total number of words is 4074
    Total number of unique words is 2068
    30.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    51.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 19
    Total number of words is 4046
    Total number of unique words is 2123
    30.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    43.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    50.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 20
    Total number of words is 4188
    Total number of unique words is 2149
    31.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    45.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    51.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 21
    Total number of words is 4093
    Total number of unique words is 2194
    27.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    40.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    47.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 22
    Total number of words is 4218
    Total number of unique words is 2233
    28.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    41.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    48.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 23
    Total number of words is 4250
    Total number of unique words is 2146
    32.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    53.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 24
    Total number of words is 4228
    Total number of unique words is 2207
    31.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    52.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 25
    Total number of words is 4203
    Total number of unique words is 2084
    30.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    44.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    51.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 26
    Total number of words is 4143
    Total number of unique words is 2152
    29.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    43.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    50.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 27
    Total number of words is 4262
    Total number of unique words is 2155
    29.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    43.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    50.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 28
    Total number of words is 4232
    Total number of unique words is 2155
    29.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    41.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    48.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Семетей - 29
    Total number of words is 409
    Total number of unique words is 328
    38.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    47.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    56.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.