Vanity Fair - 08

Total number of words is 3406
Total number of unique words is 1145
55.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
73.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
80.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.

"You DID have a round with the coachman," Captain Dobbin said, "and showed plenty of fight too."

"And that fellow with the white coat at Vauxhall! How Jos drove at him! How the women screamed! By Jove, sir, it did my heart good to see you. I thought you civilians had no pluck; but I'll never get in your way when you are in your cups, Jos."

"I believe I'm very terrible, when I'm roused," ejaculated Jos from the sofa, and made a grimace so dreary and ludicrous, that the Captain's politeness could restrain him no longer, and he and Osborne fired off a ringing volley of laughter.

Osborne pursued his advantage pitilessly. He thought Jos a milksop. He had been revolving in his mind the marriage question pending between Jos and Rebecca, and was not over well pleased that a member of a family into which he, George Osborne, of the —th, was going to marry, should make a mesalliance with a little nobody—a little upstart governess. "You hit, you poor old fellow!" said Osborne. "You terrible! Why, man, you couldn't stand—you made everybody laugh in the Gardens, though you were crying yourself. You were maudlin, Jos. Don't you remember singing a song?"

"A what?" Jos asked.

"A sentimental song, and calling Rosa, Rebecca, what's her name, Amelia's little friend—your dearest diddle-diddle-darling?" And this ruthless young fellow, seizing hold of Dobbin's hand, acted over the scene, to the horror of the original performer, and in spite of Dobbin's good-natured entreaties to him to have mercy. 

"Why should I spare him?" Osborne said to his friend's remonstrances, when they quitted the invalid, leaving him under the hands of Doctor Gollop. "What the deuce right has he to give himself his patronizing airs, and make fools of us at Vauxhall? Who's this little schoolgirl that is ogling and making love to him? Hang it, the family's low enough already, without HER. A governess is all very well, but I'd rather have a lady for my sister-in-law. I'm a liberal man; but I've proper pride, and know my own station: let her know hers. And I'll take down that great hectoring Nabob, and prevent him from being made a greater fool than he is. That's why I told him to look out, lest she brought an action against him."

"I suppose you know best," Dobbin said, though rather dubiously. "You always were a Tory, and your family's one of the oldest in England. But—"

"Come and see the girls, and make love to Miss Sharp yourself," the lieutenant here interrupted his friend; but Captain Dobbin declined to join Osborne in his daily visit to the young ladies in Russell Square.

As George walked down Southampton Row, from Holborn, he laughed as he saw, at the Sedley Mansion, in two different stories two heads on the look-out.

The fact is, Miss Amelia, in the drawing-room balcony, was looking very eagerly towards the opposite side of the Square, where Mr. Osborne dwelt, on the watch for the lieutenant himself; and Miss Sharp, from her little bed-room on the second floor, was in observation until Mr. Joseph's great form should heave in sight.

"Sister Anne is on the watch-tower," said he to Amelia, "but there's nobody coming"; and laughing and enjoying the joke hugely, he described in the most ludicrous terms to Miss Sedley, the dismal condition of her brother.

"I think it's very cruel of you to laugh, George," she said, looking particularly unhappy; but George only laughed the more at her piteous and discomfited mien, persisted in thinking the joke a most diverting one, and when Miss Sharp came downstairs, bantered her with a great deal of liveliness upon the effect of her charms on the fat civilian.

"O Miss Sharp! if you could but see him this morning," he said—"moaning in his flowered dressing-gown—writhing on his sofa; if you could but have seen him lolling out his tongue to Gollop the apothecary."

"See whom?" said Miss Sharp.

"Whom? O whom? Captain Dobbin, of course, to whom we were all so attentive, by the way, last night."

"We were very unkind to him," Emmy said, blushing very much. "I—I quite forgot him."

"Of course you did," cried Osborne, still on the laugh.

"One can't be ALWAYS thinking about Dobbin, you know, Amelia. Can one, Miss Sharp?"

"Except when he overset the glass of wine at dinner," Miss Sharp said, with a haughty air and a toss of the head, "I never gave the existence of Captain Dobbin one single moment's consideration."

"Very good, Miss Sharp, I'll tell him," Osborne said; and as he spoke Miss Sharp began to have a feeling of distrust and hatred towards this young officer, which he was quite unconscious of having inspired. "He is to make fun of me, is he?" thought Rebecca. "Has he been laughing about me to Joseph? Has he frightened him? Perhaps he won't come."—A film passed over her eyes, and her heart beat quite quick.

"You're always joking," said she, smiling as innocently as she could. "Joke away, Mr. George; there's nobody to defend ME." And George Osborne, as she walked away—and Amelia looked reprovingly at him—felt some little manly compunction for having inflicted any unnecessary unkindness upon this helpless creature. "My dearest Amelia," said he, "you are too good—too kind. You don't know the world. I do. And your little friend Miss Sharp must learn her station."

"Don't you think Jos will—"

"Upon my word, my dear, I don't know. He may, or may not. I'm not his master. I only know he is a very foolish vain fellow, and put my dear little girl into a very painful and awkward position last night. My dearest diddle-diddle-darling!" He was off laughing again, and he did it so drolly that Emmy laughed too.

All that day Jos never came. But Amelia had no fear about this; for the little schemer had actually sent away the page, Mr. Sambo's aide-de-camp, to Mr. Joseph's lodgings, to ask for some book he had promised, and how he was; and the reply through Jos's man, Mr. Brush, was, that his master was ill in bed, and had just had the doctor with him. He must come to-morrow, she thought, but she never had the courage to speak a word on the subject to Rebecca; nor did that young woman herself allude to it in any way during the whole evening after the night at Vauxhall.

The next day, however, as the two young ladies sate on the sofa, pretending to work, or to write letters, or to read novels, Sambo came into the room with his usual engaging grin, with a packet under his arm, and a note on a tray. "Note from Mr. Jos, Miss," says Sambo.

How Amelia trembled as she opened it!

So it ran:

Dear Amelia,—I send you the "Orphan of the Forest." I was too ill to come yesterday. I leave town to-day for Cheltenham. Pray excuse me, if you can, to the amiable Miss Sharp, for my conduct at Vauxhall, and entreat her to pardon and forget every word I may have uttered when excited by that fatal supper. As soon as I have recovered, for my health is very much shaken, I shall go to Scotland for some months, and am

Truly yours, Jos Sedley

It was the death-warrant. All was over. Amelia did not dare to look at Rebecca's pale face and burning eyes, but she dropt the letter into her friend's lap; and got up, and went upstairs to her room, and cried her little heart out.

Blenkinsop, the housekeeper, there sought her presently with consolation, on whose shoulder Amelia wept confidentially, and relieved herself a good deal. "Don't take on, Miss. I didn't like to tell you. But none of us in the house have liked her except at fust. I sor her with my own eyes reading your Ma's letters. Pinner says she's always about your trinket-box and drawers, and everybody's drawers, and she's sure she's put your white ribbing into her box."

"I gave it her, I gave it her," Amelia said.

But this did not alter Mrs. Blenkinsop's opinion of Miss Sharp. "I don't trust them governesses, Pinner," she remarked to the maid. "They give themselves the hairs and hupstarts of ladies, and their wages is no better than you nor me."

It now became clear to every soul in the house, except poor Amelia, that Rebecca should take her departure, and high and low (always with the one exception) agreed that that event should take place as speedily as possible. Our good child ransacked all her drawers, cupboards, reticules, and gimcrack boxes—passed in review all her gowns, fichus, tags, bobbins, laces, silk stockings, and fallals—selecting this thing and that and the other, to make a little heap for Rebecca. And going to her Papa, that generous British merchant, who had promised to give her as many guineas as she was years old—she begged the old gentleman to give the money to dear Rebecca, who must want it, while she lacked for nothing.

She even made George Osborne contribute, and nothing loth (for he was as free-handed a young fellow as any in the army), he went to Bond Street, and bought the best hat and spenser that money could buy.

"That's George's present to you, Rebecca, dear," said Amelia, quite proud of the bandbox conveying these gifts. "What a taste he has! There's nobody like him."

"Nobody," Rebecca answered. "How thankful I am to him!" She was thinking in her heart, "It was George Osborne who prevented my marriage."—And she loved George Osborne accordingly.

She made her preparations for departure with great equanimity; and accepted all the kind little Amelia's presents, after just the proper degree of hesitation and reluctance. She vowed eternal gratitude to Mrs. Sedley, of course; but did not intrude herself upon that good lady too much, who was embarrassed, and evidently wishing to avoid her. She kissed Mr. Sedley's hand, when he presented her with the purse; and asked permission to consider him for the future as her kind, kind friend and protector. Her behaviour was so affecting that he was going to write her a cheque for twenty pounds more; but he restrained his feelings: the carriage was in waiting to take him to dinner, so he tripped away with a "God bless you, my dear, always come here when you come to town, you know.—Drive to the Mansion House, James."

Finally came the parting with Miss Amelia, over which picture I intend to throw a veil. But after a scene in which one person was in earnest and the other a perfect performer—after the tenderest caresses, the most pathetic tears, the smelling-bottle, and some of the very best feelings of the heart, had been called into requisition—Rebecca and Amelia parted, the former vowing to love her friend for ever and ever and ever.


Crawley of Queen's Crawley

Among the most respected of the names beginning in C which the Court-Guide contained, in the year 18—, was that of Crawley, Sir Pitt, Baronet, Great Gaunt Street, and Queen's Crawley, Hants. This honourable name had figured constantly also in the Parliamentary list for many years, in conjunction with that of a number of other worthy gentlemen who sat in turns for the borough.

It is related, with regard to the borough of Queen's Crawley, that Queen Elizabeth in one of her progresses, stopping at Crawley to breakfast, was so delighted with some remarkably fine Hampshire beer which was then presented to her by the Crawley of the day (a handsome gentleman with a trim beard and a good leg), that she forthwith erected Crawley into a borough to send two members to Parliament; and the place, from the day of that illustrious visit, took the name of Queen's Crawley, which it holds up to the present moment. And though, by the lapse of time, and those mutations which age produces in empires, cities, and boroughs, Queen's Crawley was no longer so populous a place as it had been in Queen Bess's time—nay, was come down to that condition of borough which used to be denominated rotten—yet, as Sir Pitt Crawley would say with perfect justice in his elegant way, "Rotten! be hanged—it produces me a good fifteen hundred a year."

Sir Pitt Crawley (named after the great Commoner) was the son of Walpole Crawley, first Baronet, of the Tape and Sealing-Wax Office in the reign of George II., when he was impeached for peculation, as were a great number of other honest gentlemen of those days; and Walpole Crawley was, as need scarcely be said, son of John Churchill Crawley, named after the celebrated military commander of the reign of Queen Anne. The family tree (which hangs up at Queen's Crawley) furthermore mentions Charles Stuart, afterwards called Barebones Crawley, son of the Crawley of James the First's time; and finally, Queen Elizabeth's Crawley, who is represented as the foreground of the picture in his forked beard and armour. Out of his waistcoat, as usual, grows a tree, on the main branches of which the above illustrious names are inscribed. Close by the name of Sir Pitt Crawley, Baronet (the subject of the present memoir), are written that of his brother, the Reverend Bute Crawley (the great Commoner was in disgrace when the reverend gentleman was born), rector of Crawley-cum-Snailby, and of various other male and female members of the Crawley family.

Sir Pitt was first married to Grizzel, sixth daughter of Mungo Binkie, Lord Binkie, and cousin, in consequence, of Mr. Dundas. She brought him two sons: Pitt, named not so much after his father as after the heaven-born minister; and Rawdon Crawley, from the Prince of Wales's friend, whom his Majesty George IV forgot so completely. Many years after her ladyship's demise, Sir Pitt led to the altar Rosa, daughter of Mr. G. Dawson, of Mudbury, by whom he had two daughters, for whose benefit Miss Rebecca Sharp was now engaged as governess. It will be seen that the young lady was come into a family of very genteel connexions, and was about to move in a much more distinguished circle than that humble one which she had just quitted in Russell Square.

She had received her orders to join her pupils, in a note which was written upon an old envelope, and which contained the following words:

Sir Pitt Crawley begs Miss Sharp and baggidge may be hear on Tuesday, as I leaf for Queen's Crawley to-morrow morning ERLY.

Great Gaunt Street.

Rebecca had never seen a Baronet, as far as she knew, and as soon as she had taken leave of Amelia, and counted the guineas which good-natured Mr. Sedley had put into a purse for her, and as soon as she had done wiping her eyes with her handkerchief (which operation she concluded the very moment the carriage had turned the corner of the street), she began to depict in her own mind what a Baronet must be. "I wonder, does he wear a star?" thought she, "or is it only lords that wear stars? But he will be very handsomely dressed in a court suit, with ruffles, and his hair a little powdered, like Mr. Wroughton at Covent Garden. I suppose he will be awfully proud, and that I shall be treated most contemptuously. Still I must bear my hard lot as well as I can—at least, I shall be amongst GENTLEFOLKS, and not with vulgar city people": and she fell to thinking of her Russell Square friends with that very same philosophical bitterness with which, in a certain apologue, the fox is represented as speaking of the grapes.

Having passed through Gaunt Square into Great Gaunt Street, the carriage at length stopped at a tall gloomy house between two other tall gloomy houses, each with a hatchment over the middle drawing-room window; as is the custom of houses in Great Gaunt Street, in which gloomy locality death seems to reign perpetual. The shutters of the first-floor windows of Sir Pitt's mansion were closed—those of the dining-room were partially open, and the blinds neatly covered up in old newspapers.

John, the groom, who had driven the carriage alone, did not care to descend to ring the bell; and so prayed a passing milk-boy to perform that office for him. When the bell was rung, a head appeared between the interstices of the dining-room shutters, and the door was opened by a man in drab breeches and gaiters, with a dirty old coat, a foul old neckcloth lashed round his bristly neck, a shining bald head, a leering red face, a pair of twinkling grey eyes, and a mouth perpetually on the grin.

"This Sir Pitt Crawley's?" says John, from the box.

"Ees," says the man at the door, with a nod.

"Hand down these 'ere trunks then," said John.

"Hand 'n down yourself," said the porter.

"Don't you see I can't leave my hosses? Come, bear a hand, my fine feller, and Miss will give you some beer," said John, with a horse-laugh, for he was no longer respectful to Miss Sharp, as her connexion with the family was broken off, and as she had given nothing to the servants on coming away.

The bald-headed man, taking his hands out of his breeches pockets, advanced on this summons, and throwing Miss Sharp's trunk over his shoulder, carried it into the house.

"Take this basket and shawl, if you please, and open the door," said Miss Sharp, and descended from the carriage in much indignation. "I shall write to Mr. Sedley and inform him of your conduct," said she to the groom.

"Don't," replied that functionary. "I hope you've forgot nothink? Miss 'Melia's gownds—have you got them—as the lady's maid was to have 'ad? I hope they'll fit you. Shut the door, Jim, you'll get no good out of 'ER," continued John, pointing with his thumb towards Miss Sharp: "a bad lot, I tell you, a bad lot," and so saying, Mr. Sedley's groom drove away. The truth is, he was attached to the lady's maid in question, and indignant that she should have been robbed of her perquisites.

On entering the dining-room, by the orders of the individual in gaiters, Rebecca found that apartment not more cheerful than such rooms usually are, when genteel families are out of town. The faithful chambers seem, as it were, to mourn the absence of their masters. The turkey carpet has rolled itself up, and retired sulkily under the sideboard: the pictures have hidden their faces behind old sheets of brown paper: the ceiling lamp is muffled up in a dismal sack of brown holland: the window-curtains have disappeared under all sorts of shabby envelopes: the marble bust of Sir Walpole Crawley is looking from its black corner at the bare boards and the oiled fire-irons, and the empty card-racks over the mantelpiece: the cellaret has lurked away behind the carpet: the chairs are turned up heads and tails along the walls: and in the dark corner opposite the statue, is an old-fashioned crabbed knife-box, locked and sitting on a dumb waiter.

Two kitchen chairs, and a round table, and an attenuated old poker and tongs were, however, gathered round the fire-place, as was a saucepan over a feeble sputtering fire. There was a bit of cheese and bread, and a tin candlestick on the table, and a little black porter in a pint-pot.

"Had your dinner, I suppose? It is not too warm for you? Like a drop of beer?"

"Where is Sir Pitt Crawley?" said Miss Sharp majestically.

"He, he! I'm Sir Pitt Crawley. Reklect you owe me a pint for bringing down your luggage. He, he! Ask Tinker if I aynt. Mrs. Tinker, Miss Sharp; Miss Governess, Mrs. Charwoman. Ho, ho!"

The lady addressed as Mrs. Tinker at this moment made her appearance with a pipe and a paper of tobacco, for which she had been despatched a minute before Miss Sharp's arrival; and she handed the articles over to Sir Pitt, who had taken his seat by the fire.

"Where's the farden?" said he. "I gave you three halfpence. Where's the change, old Tinker?"

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Next - Vanity Fair - 09
  • Parts
  • Vanity Fair - 01
    Total number of words is 2806
    Total number of unique words is 1112
    49.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    66.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    76.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 02
    Total number of words is 3502
    Total number of unique words is 1098
    55.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 03
    Total number of words is 3478
    Total number of unique words is 1105
    59.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 04
    Total number of words is 3462
    Total number of unique words is 1048
    58.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 05
    Total number of words is 3390
    Total number of unique words is 1168
    53.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 06
    Total number of words is 3357
    Total number of unique words is 1115
    56.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 07
    Total number of words is 3438
    Total number of unique words is 1155
    54.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 08
    Total number of words is 3406
    Total number of unique words is 1145
    55.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 09
    Total number of words is 3455
    Total number of unique words is 1116
    54.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    76.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 10
    Total number of words is 3449
    Total number of unique words is 1182
    51.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    76.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 11
    Total number of words is 3479
    Total number of unique words is 1153
    52.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 12
    Total number of words is 3399
    Total number of unique words is 1131
    52.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 13
    Total number of words is 3439
    Total number of unique words is 1063
    54.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 14
    Total number of words is 3412
    Total number of unique words is 1124
    52.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 15
    Total number of words is 3392
    Total number of unique words is 1153
    53.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 16
    Total number of words is 3249
    Total number of unique words is 1081
    54.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 17
    Total number of words is 3291
    Total number of unique words is 1101
    56.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 18
    Total number of words is 3406
    Total number of unique words is 1004
    58.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 19
    Total number of words is 3461
    Total number of unique words is 1079
    57.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 20
    Total number of words is 3287
    Total number of unique words is 1114
    55.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 21
    Total number of words is 3415
    Total number of unique words is 1210
    53.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 22
    Total number of words is 3421
    Total number of unique words is 1109
    56.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 23
    Total number of words is 3425
    Total number of unique words is 1193
    53.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 24
    Total number of words is 3400
    Total number of unique words is 1121
    56.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 25
    Total number of words is 3324
    Total number of unique words is 1049
    58.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 26
    Total number of words is 3512
    Total number of unique words is 1057
    57.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 27
    Total number of words is 3383
    Total number of unique words is 1160
    53.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 28
    Total number of words is 3404
    Total number of unique words is 1043
    60.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    78.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    83.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 29
    Total number of words is 3522
    Total number of unique words is 1148
    58.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 30
    Total number of words is 3399
    Total number of unique words is 1133
    57.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.7 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 31
    Total number of words is 3339
    Total number of unique words is 1170
    56.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 32
    Total number of words is 3432
    Total number of unique words is 1087
    58.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 33
    Total number of words is 3457
    Total number of unique words is 1168
    54.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 34
    Total number of words is 3384
    Total number of unique words is 1226
    51.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    66.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    73.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 35
    Total number of words is 3424
    Total number of unique words is 1157
    50.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    67.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    74.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 36
    Total number of words is 3307
    Total number of unique words is 1032
    57.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 37
    Total number of words is 3491
    Total number of unique words is 1155
    55.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 38
    Total number of words is 3474
    Total number of unique words is 1181
    53.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 39
    Total number of words is 3319
    Total number of unique words is 1047
    59.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    76.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    84.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 40
    Total number of words is 3450
    Total number of unique words is 1131
    55.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 41
    Total number of words is 3478
    Total number of unique words is 1107
    55.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 42
    Total number of words is 3355
    Total number of unique words is 1119
    52.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 43
    Total number of words is 3290
    Total number of unique words is 1079
    53.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 44
    Total number of words is 3398
    Total number of unique words is 1113
    52.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    76.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 45
    Total number of words is 3348
    Total number of unique words is 1143
    56.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 46
    Total number of words is 3471
    Total number of unique words is 1085
    60.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    78.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    84.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 47
    Total number of words is 3390
    Total number of unique words is 1166
    50.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    68.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    75.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 48
    Total number of words is 3462
    Total number of unique words is 1136
    52.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 49
    Total number of words is 3445
    Total number of unique words is 1154
    53.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 50
    Total number of words is 2778
    Total number of unique words is 988
    53.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 51
    Total number of words is 3453
    Total number of unique words is 1166
    52.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 52
    Total number of words is 3294
    Total number of unique words is 1065
    55.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    77.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 53
    Total number of words is 3448
    Total number of unique words is 1118
    55.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 54
    Total number of words is 3359
    Total number of unique words is 1144
    53.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 55
    Total number of words is 3343
    Total number of unique words is 1147
    53.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 56
    Total number of words is 3320
    Total number of unique words is 1118
    55.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.4 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 57
    Total number of words is 3230
    Total number of unique words is 1091
    54.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 58
    Total number of words is 2917
    Total number of unique words is 987
    53.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 59
    Total number of words is 3404
    Total number of unique words is 1165
    50.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    76.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 60
    Total number of words is 3546
    Total number of unique words is 1120
    54.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 61
    Total number of words is 3464
    Total number of unique words is 1203
    50.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    67.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    74.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 62
    Total number of words is 3476
    Total number of unique words is 1185
    51.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 63
    Total number of words is 3427
    Total number of unique words is 1097
    55.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 64
    Total number of words is 3344
    Total number of unique words is 1149
    55.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 65
    Total number of words is 3365
    Total number of unique words is 1087
    56.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    82.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 66
    Total number of words is 3326
    Total number of unique words is 1204
    48.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    66.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    74.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 67
    Total number of words is 3207
    Total number of unique words is 1169
    47.3 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    64.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    72.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 68
    Total number of words is 3450
    Total number of unique words is 1030
    55.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 69
    Total number of words is 3489
    Total number of unique words is 1115
    56.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 70
    Total number of words is 3539
    Total number of unique words is 1091
    56.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 71
    Total number of words is 3248
    Total number of unique words is 1031
    58.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 72
    Total number of words is 3445
    Total number of unique words is 1039
    58.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    83.2 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 73
    Total number of words is 3438
    Total number of unique words is 1135
    52.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 74
    Total number of words is 3103
    Total number of unique words is 1062
    51.9 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    71.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 75
    Total number of words is 3303
    Total number of unique words is 1116
    53.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    76.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 76
    Total number of words is 3377
    Total number of unique words is 1078
    58.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    73.9 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 77
    Total number of words is 3399
    Total number of unique words is 1151
    53.5 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 78
    Total number of words is 3437
    Total number of unique words is 1063
    58.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    75.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 79
    Total number of words is 3401
    Total number of unique words is 1167
    55.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.7 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 80
    Total number of words is 3328
    Total number of unique words is 1030
    58.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    76.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    84.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 81
    Total number of words is 3146
    Total number of unique words is 1182
    49.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    65.4 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    72.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 82
    Total number of words is 3361
    Total number of unique words is 1159
    52.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    69.5 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    76.3 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 83
    Total number of words is 3322
    Total number of unique words is 1148
    49.8 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    66.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    73.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 84
    Total number of words is 3347
    Total number of unique words is 1156
    54.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.2 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 85
    Total number of words is 3282
    Total number of unique words is 1156
    49.0 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    64.8 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    72.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 86
    Total number of words is 3380
    Total number of unique words is 1164
    53.6 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    70.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    78.9 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 87
    Total number of words is 3198
    Total number of unique words is 1068
    57.2 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.1 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    80.5 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 88
    Total number of words is 3371
    Total number of unique words is 1007
    61.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    78.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    85.1 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 89
    Total number of words is 3197
    Total number of unique words is 1089
    55.1 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    72.0 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    79.6 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 90
    Total number of words is 3382
    Total number of unique words is 1069
    58.7 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    74.6 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    81.8 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.
  • Vanity Fair - 91
    Total number of words is 1325
    Total number of unique words is 552
    63.4 of words are in the 2000 most common words
    77.3 of words are in the 5000 most common words
    84.0 of words are in the 8000 most common words
    Each bar represents the percentage of words per 1000 most common words.