Lezgian-Scots Gaelic dictionary

A a B b C c Ç ç D d E e F f G g Ğ ğ H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o R r Q q P p S s Ş ş T t U u Ü ü V v W w X x Y y Z z

А а Б б В в Г г Гъ гъ Гь гь Д д Е е Ё ё Ж ж З з И и Й й К к Къ къ Кь кь КӀ кӏ Л л М м Н н О о П п ПӀ пӏ Р р С с Т т ТӀ тӏ У у Уь уь Ф ф Х х Хъ хъ Хь хь Ц ц ЦӀ цӏ Ч ч ЧӀ чӏ Ш ш Щ щ Ъ ъ Ы ы Ь ь Э э Ю ю Я я

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8зунLezgianScots Gaelic
9чиLezgianScots Gaelic
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11вичинLezgianScots Gaelic
12вунLezgianScots Gaelic
13заLezgianScots Gaelic
14адаLezgianScots Gaelic
15тирLezgianScots Gaelic
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17виLezgianScots Gaelic
18авайLezgianScots Gaelic
19аданLezgianScots Gaelic
20лагьанаLezgianScots Gaelic
21аLezgianScots Gaelic
22гьаLezgianScots Gaelic
23вириLezgianScots Gaelic
24вазLezgianScots Gaelic
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27вучLezgianScots Gaelic
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29аваLezgianScots Gaelic
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32алайLezgianScots Gaelic
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34аммаLezgianScots Gaelic
35мадLezgianScots Gaelic
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38адазLezgianScots Gaelic
39садLezgianScots Gaelic
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48вунаLezgianScots Gaelic
49карLezgianScots Gaelic
50кьванLezgianScots Gaelic
51хабарLezgianScots Gaelic
52паталLezgianScots Gaelic
53лугьузLezgianScots Gaelic
54кьунаLezgianScots Gaelic
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57авунаLezgianScots Gaelic
58имLezgianScots Gaelic
59ванLezgianScots Gaelic
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62хъсанLezgianScots Gaelic
63масаLezgianScots Gaelic
64чнаLezgianScots Gaelic
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66вичLezgianScots Gaelic
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71хьанвайLezgianScots Gaelic
72атанаLezgianScots Gaelic
73тӏварLezgianScots Gaelic
74бесLezgianScots Gaelic
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76хьанваLezgianScots Gaelic
77рушLezgianScots Gaelic
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79гафLezgianScots Gaelic
80гьикӏLezgianScots Gaelic
81чпинLezgianScots Gaelic
82ийизLezgianScots Gaelic
83лапLezgianScots Gaelic
84хьайиLezgianScots Gaelic
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86ятӏаLezgianScots Gaelic
87чирLezgianScots Gaelic
88икӏLezgianScots Gaelic
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