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“air” on Scots Gaelic-Harauti dictionary

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prep □ this prep is derived from three different Irish words, one of which lenited its noun, which explains why some words following air are lenited and others are not. However, even taking this fact into consideration, this word is found in a vast number of idioms The prep prons of air are formed thus: orm on me ort on you sing air on him / it masc oirre on her / it fem oirnn on us oirbh on you pl & polite orra on them The emph forms of these are: ormsa, ortsa, airsan, oirrese, oirnne, oirbhse, orrasan respectively There are no special poss adj formsair mo cheann on my head □ air do chois on your foot etc. □ but note the syncopated form orra = air doorra shocair!( = air do socair!) take it easy! □ gabh sinn orra chùram (= air do chùram) take us into your care (in prayer) Below is given only a small selection of examples which show the basic meanings, or at least reflect them. Compound adverbs, conjunctions or prepositions having air as an element will be found under the word following air e.g. air feadh prep is given under feadh while air seachran adv is given under seachran. Where air is closely associated with a verb / noun, examples of usage are given under that word 1. on, upon + dat □ though, in some of the examples given, air does not translate as ‘on, upon’, this is the meaning which is inherent in the phrase used e.g. cha d’fhuair mi càil air I got nothing for it – where the underlying meaning is of a price / value being on something □ tha an leabhar air a’ bhòrd the book is on the table □ bha a’ bhiodag na laighe air an làr the dagger was lying on the floor □ tha ceann math air a’ bhalach the boy has a good head □ cha bu chòir dhuinn breith a thoirt air duine air (a) aodach we should not judge a man by his clothes □ bhitheadh e a’ tomhas luach a shearmoin air (a) fhaide he used to estimate the worth of his sermon by its length □ shaoileadh tu air Daibhidh gur hesan am maraiche as fheàrr air an t-saoghal you would think by (looking at / listening to) David that he was the best seaman in the world □ boinne air bhoinne drop by drop □ thoir buille air a’ bhuille retaliate □ chaochail e na bu tràithe air a’ bhliadhna seo he died earlier this year □ bha e air rathad air nach b’urrainn dha tionndadh air ais he was upon a road upon which he could not turn back □ air an ceann bha Calum Domhnallach at their head was Calum MacDonald □ bha e gu bhith na iasgair air daoine he was going to be a fisher of men □ tha eagal orm nach eil air ach fuireach gu là I’m afraid there’s nothing for it but to wait until daylight □ air an dòigh seo thus, so, in this way □ mharbh iad triùir dhaoine air a h-aon they killed three men for every one □ cheannaich mi seo air sia sgillinn I bought this for six pence □ cha d’fhuair mi ni air I didn’t get anything for it / I got nothing for it □ phàigh mi leth-cheud sgillinn air I paid 50p for it (i.e. exchanged money for it) □ note that, with pàigh, the amount must be specified □ bhiodh iad riaraichte leis na gheibheadh iad air an cuid airgid they would be satisfied with what they got for their money □ reic e iad agus rinn e glè mhath orra he sold them and did very well on them □ bha còig notaichean aig mo bhràthair orm I owed / was due my brother five pounds □ bha e an dùil (a) fhortan a dhèanamh air buntàta he expected to make his fortune in potatoes □ ar n-athair a tha air nèamh our father who are in heaven □ tha toll air there’s a hole in it □ air halldachd is air Ghaidhealtachd in the Lowlands and in the Highlands □ sgriobh e mu dheidhinn cuairt air an deach e he wrote about a journey on which he went □ rinn iad a leithid ceudna air na tuathanaich they did the same kind of thing to the farmers □ thoir (ainm) air (cuideigin) give (someone) (a name) / call □ ’s e Mairead a thug iad oirre they called her Margaret □ but note also: ’s e ‘an Leadaidh’ a bha aca oirre they called her ‘the Lady’ / the name they had for her was etc. (lit. it was ‘the Lady’ that was at them on her) □ ’s e creachadairean a bha aig Seumas Moireastan orra James Morrison called them robbers □ and: ’s e Mòrag a th’oirre she’s called Morag □ ’s e meud a’ bhogsa ceithir òirlich air leud agus sia òirlich air faid the size of the box is four inches by six □ bha e na ghafair air na nàbhaidhean a bha togail an rèile he was a gaffer over the navvies building the railway 2. In the following examples air is used when one thing / person is said to be another, a situation which normally employs a construction involving either the assertive verb or the prep prons of annair fear de na daoine air an do chuir e fàilte bha … one of the people whom he welcomed was … □ bha ise air aon dhiubh she was one of them □ bha ainm aige a bhith air fear de na sgoilearan a b’fheàrr he had a reputation for being one of the best scholars □ … agus bha Seumas air fear dhiubh sin … and Seumas was one of those □ also: air fear aca one of them mascair tè aca one of them femtha an t-Eilean Sgitheanach air àite cho àlainn is a tha (ann) an Alba the Isle of Skye is as beautiful a place as there is in Scotland □ air leabaidh a bhàis bha seo air na faclan mu dheireadh a labhair e on his deathbed these were the last words he spoke.
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