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“ring” on English-Tatar dictionary

Ring the bell.
but the colonel ordered six of the Ring leaders to be seized
1. bocra; baldak; alka;
She had to pledge her ring to buy food for the children. - Balalarga aşau alır öçen añarga bocranı aslamga salırga turı kilde.
2. tügäräk
ring finger - atsız barmak;
2. şaltırau, çıñlau;
to ring back - yañadan şaltıratu; yañadan şaltıratırga
1. боҗра; балдак; алка;
She had to pledge her ring to buy food for the children. - Балаларга ашау алыр өчен аңарга боҗраны асламга салырга туры килде.
2. түгәрәк
ring finger - атсыз бармак;
2. шалтырау, чыңлау;
to ring back - яңадан шалтырату; яңадан шалтыратырга
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Meaning of “ring” in Tatar – 1. bocra; baldak; alka; She had to pled...
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