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zymolysisIn English definitionsIn English definitions
n. [NL. See Zyme, and Lysis.] (Physiol. Chem.) The action of enzymes; also the changes produced by such action. — Zy•mo•lyt´ic (#), a.
zwiebackIn English definitionsIn English definitions
n. [G., fr. zwie- two, twice (see Twice) + backen to bake.] A kind of biscuit or rusk first baked in a loaf and afterwards cut and toasted.
zuluIn English definitionsIn English definitions
n. [Also Zooloo.] 
1. Any member of the tribe of Zulus; a Zulu- Kaffir. See Zulus. 
2. (Philol.) One of the most important members of the South African, or Bantu, family of languages, spoken partly in Natal and partly in Zululand, but understood, and more or less in use, over a wide territory, at least as far north as the Zambezi; — called also Zulu-Kaffir.
zolaesqueIn English definitionsIn English definitions
a. In the style of Zola (see Zolaism).
zeitgeistIn English definitionsIn English definitions
n. [G.; zeit time + geist spirit. See Tide, n.; Ghost, n.] The spirit of the time; the general intellectual and moral state or temper characteristic of any period of time.
zapasIn English definitionsIn English definitions
n. [Russ.] See Army organization, above.
ylang-ylangIn English definitionsIn English definitions
n. See Ihlang-ihlang.
yiddisherIn English definitionsIn English definitions
n. [See Yiddish.] A Yid. [Slang]
yiddishIn English definitionsIn English definitions
n. [G. jüdisch, prop., Jewish, fr. Jude Jew. See Jew, Jewish.] A language used by German and other Jews, being a Middle German dialect developed under Hebrew and Slavic influence. It is written in Hebrew characters.
yidIn English definitionsIn English definitions
n. [See Yiddish.] A Jew. [Slang or Colloq.] ´Almost any young Yid who goes out from among her people.´ John Corbin.